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IGN's Top 100 list of games of all time

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 3:10 pm
by Cuchulain82
check it!

...BGII- #25, between FF II and Tecmo Superbowl.

While the list is certainly flawed (ie- FF VII is way too high up), it is nice to see that BGII still gets respect.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:07 pm
by Siberys
Ok, good job to those who made the well deserved ranked game.

As for the FFVII bit, don't even get me started on some of the other games 'better' than that. First off, I believe it was rated like #3 - 5 best of ALL games at one point in time. Don't hold that against me though. But seriously, KoTOR ONE better than Final Fantasy 7?!?!?!?!?!?! What kind of BS is that. I mean, KoTOR 1 was great and all, but good god you can't compare that to FF7. Not many things IMO are comparable to that game.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:11 pm
by fable
I'm personally more pleased by the Hall of Belated Fame on Home of the Underdogs. It hasn't got BG2 in it because the title sold very well, but it does have a variety of other titles that make it by dint of quality. BG2 certainly has the quality--but that IGN list looks pretty superficial, IMO.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:52 am
by Cuchulain82
[QUOTE=fable]I'm personally more pleased by the Hall of Belated Fame on Home of the Underdogs. It hasn't got BG2 in it because the title sold very well, but it does have a variety of other titles that make it by dint of quality. BG2 certainly has the quality--but that IGN list looks pretty superficial, IMO.[/QUOTE]
I agree. Would you really want to play Dues Ex instead of BGII or FFVII? I thought not... However, it is nice that BGII got a good rating- it has so much depth that it could really turn people off. That is why I (and many of us I'm sure) love it! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:23 pm
by Thrifalas
Sooo... First I found StarCraft at 7:th place, a pretty decent choice. Then, going further up I noticed Grim Fandango at 49:th place. It could have made a better run... Baldur's Gate II is at 25:th place which is pretty decent... But then they seriously place FFVII at 88:th place, 2 spots behind FFX.

That list became so much a joke I couldn't stop laughing.

( "... and the timeless joy of being a world-saving badass" <-- their desciption of BGII was pretty accurate though xD)

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:47 pm
by Faust
I really have mixed feelings about these types of lists. They are good in that a handful of normally neglected games (and occasionally RPGs) make the list and, hence, get a bit of attention. Ultimately, though, these lists are so relative that they cease having much meaning. Ultimately, they prioritize some genres of games (usually action or FPS) over others and, for that matter, leave out other genres entirely (Take MMORPGs, for instance).

From an RPG perspective, I was a bit frustrated by the list. While it was nice to see some solid RPGs represented - i.e. BG2, Fallout, Chrono Triger, Dragon Warrior, and FF2 - it was dissappointing to see others left out entirely (i.e. PS: T, Fallout 2, and many more recent RPGs like KoTOR, Morrowind, or VTM: Bloodlines would certainly rival other modern games like Prince of Persia, God of War, and Half Life 2) . Maybe gamers are so genre drawn these days, that its difficult to care about attempts at doing a holistic survey. Though, more likely, that's just me.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:47 pm
by SP101
[QUOTE=Faust]I really have mixed feelings about these types of lists. They are good in that a handful of normally neglected games (and occasionally RPGs) make the list and, hence, get a bit of attention. Ultimately, though, these lists are so relative that they cease having much meaning. Ultimately, they prioritize some genres of games (usually action or FPS) over others and, for that matter, leave out other genres entirely (Take MMORPGs, for instance).[/QUOTE]

I agree to Faut's post..

In my opinions, lists of the X best video games ever should be divided in categories.

Top 10 RPGs, Top 10 MMORPGs, Top 10 FPS, Top 10 Arcade, Top 10 Strategy, etc.

However.. some games may as well be a part of more than one category.. wich complicate the task a bit.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:19 pm
by CopperWater
I have to agree with Super Metroid at #1, that has stolen 10 years of my life.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:40 pm
by Siberys
Though not directly #1 and more in between the top 10, I agree with you on that. Tis a good game and was fun for me as well.