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Romance Subplot
Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:25 pm
by Revan Reborn
Romance Subplot *spoiler*
I have a question...
Today, I beat KotOR with a light side character. Naturally, I turned Bastila back to the light side. I did this by telling her that I loved her, and she confesses her love to me. But this is the only time I see her confess her feelings towards my character.
Getting to the point, I was wondering, where in the game does she kiss you? What chat options would I have selected earlier on in the game?
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:22 am
by Obi-Wan-Evan
I dont know the exact dialog but you just have to be lightside and you have to talk to bastilla constintly (sp?) I know that its in the ship though.
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 12:27 pm
by bishop_2005
If I can remember right, it's after you help her mom. Then a set of dialogue comes up. I think something comes up where you tell her to open herself up and express her feelings. SHe then tells you to follow her to one of the rooms, and you get this corny kiss.
Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 3:41 pm
by Revan Reborn
Do you have to be on the light side to get this option?
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 12:16 pm
by bishop_2005
I only tried it on light side. I got lazy on DS, so didn't even bother helping her mom.
Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 2:33 pm
by Lord Saboteur
You can persue the romance subplot as a DS character. You also have to help Bastila's mother before you find the fourth Star Map(duh). I usually finished the subplot as soon as I got the second Star Map LS AND DS. If you have anymore questions, feel free to PM me, for I am fit for interrogation.
Sincerely, and rather insanely,
Lord Saboteur
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:24 pm
by KyLewin
All through your travels with Bastila you need to talk to her and choose the "flirty" dialog options (shouldn't be too hard to guess which ones those are). At first she'll be rather annoyed with you, then you'll start to see little slips like: "what ever our feelings are for each other" and similar lines. Always be nice. There are check points of sorts as you go, you'll have to talk to her a certain number of times before Starmap #1 and then a certain number of times before Starmap #3, I think. Basically everytime you level up, you need to talk to her to keep the romance alive.
Eventually she'll tell you that she wants to talk to you away from everyone else and you'll go back to one of the bed room areas and talk. She'll tell you she has feelings for you, but that she does not want to give into them. If you are nice and say, "Okay," the romance ends. If you express your feelings you'll get a very exciting black screen during which your character is presumably makingout with his Jedi Princess (though who knows what they're really doing?).
Once she falls and you choose which side of the conflict you want to be on, the romance will unfold the way you played it originally.
As far as I know, LS or DS doesn't really matter. If you're dark side she'll start off by chiding you for actions, but eventually she'll start asking what it's like to do whatever you want. If you're light side she'll commend you for your compassion and later ask if it's really as easy as you make it seem to be good (apparently she struggles with it and you don't since your choices are laid out for you in easy to grasp dialog options).
Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 5:28 pm
by Revan Reborn
Ah yes, I see.
I got her to bring me in the private room on the Ebon Hawk and give me her corny little kiss.
At any rate, thanks guys

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 2:06 am
by Lorya
Is there anyone else you can get romanticly involved with besides Bastila? What if you are a female character? Can you get Carth to fell for you?
Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:43 pm
by Revan Reborn
From what I've heard, I think you can get a romantic relation with Juhani. And yes, to my knowledge, you can get into a intimate relation with Carth...though I never tried it. Rofl
Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:14 am
by KyLewin
I think I heard that you don't even get the silly black screen with Carth. No kissing if you're a girl, just some flirting. Having never played as a girl, I can't really say for sure what happens, but I think he says something about wanting to be with you or wanting to see if he could love you and the rest is left up to your imagination.
You can romance Juhanni regardless of your gender, but again, all you get is a "let's get to the end of the mission and then we'll see if we can be together" sort of an ending.
I always thought that the lack of anything substantial for these two relationships pointed towards Revan being a male for canon, but obviously that's only an opinion.