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Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:42 am
by Ballen
Ok, I was having a great game and now I am stuck. I can not seem to jump across the trap door room in the Naga Temple. It appears to be the only way to get to Veldrane. I have tried the advice from other posts on this forum (raising Athletics, removing armor) but all in vain. This is really starting to affect my enjoyment of this game. I really think that the graphics and gameplay are spectacular, but this is frustrating me.

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:16 am
by Chaos

I did this irratating jump with just 4 acrobatics skill.

I didnt take any armor off

It took me about 4 or 6 trys

I found that it was an easier jump if you are a meidum/tall race (like lizards. human, urgoths) and harder as a smaller race (thrall, Dwarf..ect)

As my Thrall It took me 6 tries like i said... I noticed that there was a slight delay before the trapdoor opend.. and i mean a very, very slight delay - but it made the difference between falling and making the jump.

Just Run, when your feet are on the very edge of the trap door, JUMP!! keep pressing forward... and eventually you should make it

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 10:31 am
by rajabi
use the time crystal(celestial spell) and run and jump over the door!

use the time crystal(celestial spell) and run and jump over the door!

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:34 pm
by Ballen
Thanks Rahjabi,

I ran all the way to the moonbridge in the northern lands and transported to Fargrove and bought two crystals of time (just in case), went back to the Naga Temple and on the second try I finally made it! On with the quest!

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 4:08 am
by Zig`Zags
lol sadly , and im not making this up .... it too me a outstanding 50 or so tries to jump that wit my trall ... grrrr if it wasnt for the drugs i prolly would have shot myself