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SHADOW RUINS - Cant get back in

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:11 am
by Gary
Please Help!!!

I've been playing Dungeon Lords (v1.3) for weeks now, only to discover that I am unable to get back into the Shadow Ruins. Is there a way to get back in.

If anyone knows of a way, please let me know. I am unable to get the last of the 4 required relics before Vartug will see me again.


Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:36 am
by lparnell
As far as I know and based on what has been posted in the forums, you cannot get back into the Shadow Ruins. Once in do not leave without the relic of power because you cannot get back in.

One thing you might do is hex edit a shadow crystal into your inventory, then you might be able to get back in.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 1:45 pm
by Zig`Zags
hes right ! If you leave without getting relic your, SOL ... sorry to say .

Hex it or start from later save

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2005 7:05 pm
by WhiteTiger
Same problem, but... What is hex editing, where do i get it and how do i use it??? thnx

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:41 am
by PaulTheWall
ya same thing hAPPENED to me, what exactly is hex editting and how do u do it.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:42 am
by thoon
hex editing

'HEX editing' is a method used to alter one of your saved games. It amounts to changing the computer code in the saved game to make it what you want it to be.

It sounds imposing, but it's not bad at all, sort of like doing a search and replace in a foreign language.

The saved game consists of a little writing and a whole lot of numbers written in hexadecimal format (hence 'HEX' ). In order to change the code, you need a program called a hex editor, with a search function. You can probably get one with a free trial period at

What you would want to do in your case is either find the code that lists your inventory and change the code for some particular item to the code for the shadow stone, or else find the code for your location and and change it to a location inside the shadow ruins.

If you do, then when you load that saved game, it will reflect your changes ... either you will have the stone, or else you will be inside the shadow ruins.

At the top of the forum is a post by Kel which lists all the items in the game. Presumably it includes the hex code for the shadow key.

Sorry I can't be more specific; I've done nothing with this game ... nothing at all for years in fact. But if you get a hex editor and spend a little time looking at a copy of one your saved games to familiarize yourself, then ask for specifics here, probably someone will tell you.

The thread below called DeMoN Key .... contains a message giving an example of hex editing.

As I said, it isn't hard.
