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Bugs Everywhere

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 3:45 pm
by DarthSion
I am getting very pissed about all the bugs in this game. I've had to make a new about for about the 7th time now. Now i have a new one. I'm on Dxun about to head to Onderan, until the sith assasins show up.(As expected). I kill them all then i see 2 more in the corner, every time i try to get over to then Madalore shows up and says we should get going. The party selection screen comes up and has all blank slots and instead of telling u the NPC's name class lvl etc. It says " I am broken so very very broken." and it freezes. someone help me????? :(

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:29 pm
by Davja Eloma
I agree, with all the bugs currently in the game, Obsidian or LA should have at least included a can of Raid with every purchase.