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New to Dungeon Lords :
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 12:58 pm
by Dreez
Im finding this game very fun and exciting. I started my first character as
an Adept with the goal of Crusader, atm im own to kill the warrior whos
destroying the celectial Shrine, and finish my paladin quest.
There is still a few things i´ve been trying to figure out that bothering me.
1: I keep raising my Strength and skills for using shields, but even some
medium shields gives me penalty - im a "soon to be paladin" and i cant use
shields without penalty ?.
2: Im trying to get that letter form the Mage in teh first town which i need to
give to Lord Davemoor (spelling), but the mage just keeps saying
"Take this letter with my sigil", but i dont recive any letter.
3: Im having troubble finding out how to bind my Healthpotions and magics
to the numbers 1-9, how do i do that ?.
Finally, i usually dont ask about attributes and stuff, but "some" hits would
be nice. Atm im focusing on keeping a somewhat high ratio between
Strength / Intellect and Dexterity. Since im a paladin, it sounds like
"Heroism" could be usefull.
Thx alot in advance.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 3:37 pm
by swcarter
1. Equipment has a strength requirement and a skill requirement. If you're receiving a penalty, then you're not meeting one of the requirements.
2. It sounds like you've already left Fargrove, and so you've already delivered the letter. The game isn't great about updating your quest status.
3. Open your inventory, hover the mouse over an item, and press 1-9. That should bind it.
There isn't a heroism attribute, but if you mean honor, it doesn't seem to do anything.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 4:17 pm
by Dreez
Thats wierd, since i got small Shields 4 and Medium shields 3, and the
skullshield gives me a -1 penalty.
My current strength is 28, and the shieldreq is 24 Str, also doesnt say anything
about how many points im required to have in medium shilds, but since im
recieving a penalty - its probably 4 or more in medium shieldskill.
Atm im still searching for the 2:nd shrine where im suppose to kill the
"Evil warrior", found a map and according to it, i should head w/nw between
2 mountains to reach teh location.
Im also preparing to try and make it to the arena where i can fight the
gladiator-minotaur and get some nice fat XP. I also just invested about 24k
points into Medium wep-4 and got about 52k for m-wep5 which should give
me that new combo.
Also.. i read about that really nice quest as an adept, where i get a fat
scepter as a reward, but i havenmt recieved that quest. Have i missed
anything ?, because that scepter would be really nice
Think it did something like 4-24 dmg

- compared to my crap 4-6dmg.
Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2005 8:39 pm
by Dreez
Slight update.
Found the "warrior" and killed him, somewhat rough fight with mobs spawning
during combat, luckuly i could use his magic against the spawned mobs.
I also think i figured out why i got a penalty when using the medium shield
eventhou i had points in it. The req on the shield was 24str and shield+5,
my stat when i recived the penalty was str 28 and Med shield-4.
And when i increased Mediumshield further into Shield-5, the penalty vanished.
If this would indeed be it, then im in for some problems since i wanna use
the platemail armors as soon as possible, but most of those armors requires
between 8 (shoulders) and 15 (chest) in heavy armor to use without penalty.
I have also decided not to invest to many point into celestial magic, but to
go the way of Rune-magic and boosting my paladin/crusader while my
healing will mostly be done by potions.
My experience from other RPGs when i´ve built this kind of self-buffing
kickass paladin - has sofar been to satisfaction. So im hoping for
a somewhat successfull character in this game aswell.
Basically my selfbuff paladins used to have a all-over balanced stats,
and the primary combatskills buffed, keeping him at good mana, spellduration,
hitpoints and meleedmg. Then the buffs will /should take care of increasing
the dmg/chanse to hit.
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 5:20 pm
by Dreez
Just started on another celestial quest and sofar i´ve found the shrine to the
northwest, close to the moonbeasts. Ran into a Firedrake which i killed , then
after the activation of the shrine - i decided to stick around for a while and
grind some moonbeasts for nice xp.
Atm my character is lvl10 and i just gained full platemail, i killed the dragon at
lvl9 which was a ***** killing, but i did it.
My plan was to finish of the 2:nd celestial quests and get that really nice
scepter with 4-24 dmg, but when i arrived to fargorn city, it was closed
by the orders of some hatamoto or whatever... so now i have to scrap that
idéa and continue killing with my hatchet ( 4-7dmg).
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 6:10 am
by Dreez
Where are my paladinspells ?. I chosed the way of paladin since im used to
them having a nice arsenal of buff & heal spells, and i´ve taking extréme care
in not to make any "bad" ways in my quests.
But after reaching lvl12 and not being able to access Fargrove, i cant seem to
get any upgrades or any new spells. Atm im sorry to say - my supposed paladin,
feels more like a warrior with a selfheal , then a paladin.
I dont even have the Allknown paladinspell - Smite Evil

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:31 am
by BlueOval
From the manual: "...There are 9 levels of Celestial spells. Celestial Crystals must be acquired in order to cast Celestial spells. Acquiring the first Star Crystal of a given type give the character access to that Celestial spell, while further Star Crystals of that type increase the maximum charges of that spell a character can hold."
So it's not like you're granted spells to cast upon becoming a pally and leveling. You have to get these Star Crystals in order to cast whichever spell. I know that magic shops and your Guild sell star crystals. You can also run across them in chests and some monsters will drop them from time to time.
Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:43 am
by Willi40
well to enter fargrove again u had to do the line of quests in arindale get an audience with the king and do the trial of elders which u most likely did then head to ulm afterwards and destroy that place (lots of fun nuking all those elves i might add) then get the mirrior see emmindor in his tower about the horn then head to talendor and place it in the shrine below the castle head back to emmindor talk to him about it again and fargrove should open up when u do that oh and dont forget to go north of fargrove and talk to lord graemere or however u spell his name about his son valdane will need that quest before heading east of fargrove oh and the spells a paly uses are based on celestial and rune magic if u want the buffs and heals u would get for a paly u have to use celestial crystals and runes u dont get automatic spells when u become a paly it just opens up certain abilitys that are locked like heavy armor and weps put points in rune magic and celestial if u want the nice buffs
(oh and btw im a firm non beleiver in proper punctuation as u can tell hehe)
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:50 pm
by Dreez
After playing this game for about a week now building up my....paladin, i cant
say that im very impressed. My Paladins feels more like a warrior with heals
that it feels like a paladin. Im used to having spells like Bless, Smite Evil etc.etc.
Also.. this game dont seem to care to much about where i spend my attribute-
points. I have looked in every store i´ve found and cant find ANY spells for
my paladin that can be used as worthy buffs. I was going to give it a shot
making a female Elf mage with the goal as Wizard, but gave up during creation
since i could not even change to way she looked.
What kind of gamecreater forgets to put in a map in a game like this, forgets
to enable to feature of changing the appearence in char-creation... seems abit
like amateurs to me.
Its is sad thou, because this game had SO much potantial, and it got ruined
by so small misstakes from the Devs. Im not trying to tell anyone that this
game sucks by this thread, its just my experience and my point of view.
So after 1 week of "wasted" time, im uninstalling this game and starting
to research of another RPG thats acually been tested for bugs.
Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 4:08 pm
by Vequ
I know what you mean. Thats basically all a paladin is on any game though. A weaker version of a warrior, yet an even WEAKER version of a healer/buffer. Buffs on this game are all short term. Usually thats all that is needed if used correctly. The only time I seriously use my spells are when monsters are charging me, when im surrounded (nova blast to push them away), and Bosses. You have to be patient with spells. Requires a lot of money in order to get a decent arsenal up. I can chain nuke for 200 health before I run out of spells alone (that is assuming they dont resist any of my Rays, Cold, or Fire spells.) Great for Exploiting bosses and bunch of mobs.