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??? June 29 ???

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:51 am
by Jhareth of house Noquar
I called my local software shop yesterday, they said ToB is due out June 29th... Has anyone heard anything else?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:55 am
by Nippy
I think I heard the 24th of June? I get my games from gameplay, dead cheap and local (non-American company)

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:55 am
by Craig
I got the same but the americans get it early er

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:57 am
by PaulDenton
Originally posted by craig:
<STRONG>I got the same but the americans get it early er</STRONG>
Well, we have to pay $30-40 for a game, so we'd better get it early. :D

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 8:57 am
by Lucian_Garland
interplay has NOT posted anything yet..the dates are just pure speculation by the retailers. its still in QA, the last report where that a significant bug had been found

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 9:09 am
by Yshania
Paul Denton - in the UK we can pay £30-£40 for a game from the high street shops....

BGII cost me £30, Black and White cost me £35.... :(

So whats that in US Dollars? averages 1.5 US$ to the pound. :(

But of course we pay it!

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 1:27 pm
by Nippy
@ Yshania
Where do you get your games from? I got Black & White from gameplay for about £28. £7 difference is a lot and you can get free postage (2nd class but it used to be free 1st postage!).
I got BG2 for £28 aswell. You just need a credit card (I borrow my parents).

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2001 3:18 pm
by Yshania

Electronics Boutique or Game. I have a credit card but am wary still of using it online.

I am also member to a software company but any savings gained is lost in postage....

Oh and the original intention Re Black and White was if you buy the white box the additional £5 cost went to charity. I bought it on the day of release.....

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 2:02 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Paul Denton:
<STRONG>Well, we have to pay $30-40 for a game, so we'd better get it early. :D </STRONG>
BG2 cost me 45 US$ in Denmark at the time of purchase .... soooooo :p :p :D

(400 DKR)

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 2:13 am
by leeho730
In New Zealand, ToB will cost NZ$40 (and free shipping in my city), which is less then US$20 :D . It is also said that ToB will be out in 18th Jun :)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 8:32 am
by Nippy
@ Yshania

Are you talking about the DVD case? The sleeve is reversable so you can make it black!
Also gameplay is mail order not net order. You can use the net or you can go mail order or phone, the number, if you want it is:0113 234 0444

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 12:44 pm
by Yshania

Thanks for the number!

Hehe! I have been done re B&W - I did not know the cover was reversable (obviously mood dependant!). When I bought it you had a black stand and a white stand.......

Never-the-less it does not detract from the fact that we are ripped off re software licensing. If you damage a BGII disk, for instance, it will be replaced for the cost of postage as the bulk of your original purchase price is always licensing.

Also, another example of being ripped off, I bought Icewind Dale for £30 which kept me occupied for a couple of months. I was bought (a gift thankfully!) Heart of Winter costing over £20 which took me three evenings to complete. How disappointing....

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2001 12:46 pm
by Yshania
ps Nippy

I asked in Game and Electronics Boutique and neither had TOB coming out in June. I remember waiting for BGII and was originally informed a June release which turned out to be September 29th. Hence I bought Icewind Dale!..........

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 1:52 am
by Nippy
@ Yshania

They are a very good company, I bought BG1 and TOTSC for £14.99, I couldn't beleive it, 100 hrs of gameplay for that price! I think you can also get a free gift (a game) when you purchase, it's only crappy though. If you buy any gamin mags look in the back, normally they have a large ad.
The thing that I cannot stand about waiting for releases is that we all get told differing dates. You get early June from one and late july from another! I wish they had a consensus about it. I'm 16 and at the moment have no job (exams) I've kept my birthday monies since April and am desperate to buy something but games are getting so expensive if you don't go through mail order or the like, opinions on mail order as apposed to going out and buying it?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2001 1:58 am
by Garcia
anyone from the states here and now? shouldn't ToB be out in the US now? so it say on the greatest gameinfo site :) of the web [url=""][/url]

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 6:37 am
by Yshania

I spoke to my sister who was in a high street software shop at the same time as a sales rep from she thinks Interplay (but she said he could have been Black Isle or Bioware....) all she knows was he was a Sales Rep for BG and asked him specifically about ToB in UK.

He said September over here. Boo hoo! :(

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 7:06 am
by Tigerin
Well, we have to pay $30-40 for a game, so we'd better get it early.
Here, in Israel we'll probably get it at the beggining-middle of July, and we have to pay something like 50$ so you know.... life is tough!

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2001 8:49 am
by Jhareth of house Noquar
@ Garcia- Nope, not out yet. I wish!