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Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 10:23 pm
by Vequ
Alright, I bought the game, but it was 1.2E version. I'm getting a little tired of having to look at my R.L. paper maps to get around. How do I patch 1.3 in? Or rather, how to remove the version I currently have to put 1.3 in? I've tried putting it in, but it seems to not wanna override the old one.

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2005 11:49 pm
by bedwine
You should only have to open the patch and it should automatically update your version. I have read that some people have down loaded the patch and gotten a corrupted version. Particularly if they downloaded with a 56k modem. Try another download from a different server.

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:35 am
by swcarter
I think the problem is that he has version 1.2, and the 1.3 patch only updates version 1.1. I've heard people ask about this, but I've never heard if there's a solution.


Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:24 am
by miggles
I had that problem too. The disks I had instaled version 1.2 and the patch didn't seem to do anything. The problem is that the auto-installer for the patch wasn't changed after the disks were being manufactured at version 1.2.

Here's the solution from the game's home webpage forum:

The version 1.3 patch creates a new folder in your DL folder. Default is Program Files\Dreamcatcher\Dungeon Lords. The new folder is called something like Dungeon Lords Version 1.3 Patch and all the new information and files is installed inside that folder. What you need to do is remove ALL the files in that newe folder and place them outside the new folder into the default DL folder (Program Files\Draeamcatcher\Dungeon Lords). What I did was copy all the files in the newly creatred foldrer - Ctrl-A and Ctrl-C - and paste them in the Program Files\Dreamcatcher\Dungeon Lords folder. Overwrite any files it asks you to. That worked for me. The game startup menu now says V.1.3 and i get the auto map.

I would make a back up of the new folder the patch creates just in case, and remember to do this substituting the folder you installed the game to if you did not use the default folder the game installs to. This info is from the DL homepage forums. You might want to check there first under the FAQ/troubleshooting section. The site is

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:21 pm
by slubo
advanced solution requires regedit

set the following key into this reg entry. I have only done this manually, and should be done at your own risk. Always make a backup. CYA.

This only changes the version the patch installer "reads".


then rerun the patch


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 4:39 pm
by Warlock Warrior
I too have had the same problem. I will try what miggles said and post a reply to confirm if this has worked.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:40 am
by slubo
there is an errant space in the string above


Sorry about that.

I have used the manual process on multiple installs and have no lingering issues running the patch, nor affects to gameplay later on.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:43 am
by slubo
more on error in string

I tried reposting the string with the space removed but no luck.

\Curr entVersion\ should read \CurrentVersion\

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:54 am
by Warlock Warrior
Sorry, But I have not been able to load the updated instaulls. I do not have web access at home and am trying to save on a scandisk USb drive and then re-instauling on home PC and its not working. Any have any ideas besides the obvious! Get online at home!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:44 pm
by slubo
Reg Edit File

Here is the automated registry update to allow patching. All previous disclaimers apply.

Please view the .reg file in notepad- it will read exactly like this:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Please do use the file if it reads anything different.

1. install dungeon lords 1.2
2. load dlords1_2 to 1_0_regedit.reg [you must unzip this first]
3. install patch that previously previously gave you an incorrect version error message.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 7:55 am
by Drew Bertolli
Thanks To Slubo

I couldn't get the patch to work until I used your tool. Thanks very much!

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:07 am
by bigapo

I'm writing from Hungary, so my english is not so good. Apologize for this :)

My problem: I patched the game with 1.3 patch. When I want to go to the Black Swamp, there is some Stone Golem (Council of Stones). They didn't allow to pass through. I know the password, I have four Relic of Power. But when I get closer, nothing happen. The golem in the right is open his eyes and mouth, but it's mute. There is no text-box, there is nothing.
So what can I do? Waiting for 1.4 patch? Please help me!

Thank you in anticipation.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:14 pm
by Dweanan
Corrupted 1.3 patch?

I downloaded the 1.3 patch about 2 weeks ago. Ever since then, when my character gets to around lvl 15, the game crashes. When I go to reload the game, I get an error message saying something about difficulties with saved games and the game shuts down again. The only way to get back in game is to move my saved games. What I noticed is that the game doesn't recognize my saved games anymore. I have re-installed the game 4 times now and get same problem. Anyone else have this problem or know if it is a "Known Issue"?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:05 pm
by PaulTheWall
what exactly does the 1.3 patch do, i downloaded it and my game still looks the same, is that what it does?