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help soon would be nice!

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:13 pm
by yoyopogo104
major help needed! lost KOTOR games at stake! do any of you know how to save kotor games on a memory card? i tried hooking mine up to the controller and saving, but i saw nothing specifically asking if i wanted to save on the card instead of the console. i just hope i can save my games (this isn't my x-box console, and it's leaving soon!). any help would be greatly appreciated! :D

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:27 pm
by Darth Trahus
I'm not an Xbox expert, but you might try finding out if the Xbox you are using is capable of doing this. Plus you might want to save only necessary files (they are rather large in size).

Perhaps you might hook the Xbox to the computer. (Saw one once, might have been modified to do so, that would connect to the ocmputer.) Then you could just download the files right to your computer.

As I said, I am no Xbox expert. I don't even have one. Just trying to help though.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:51 am
by Dead!
try loading the console without a disk in it and go to moemory, select KOTOR and then copy them, paste tyhem into the card, this should work, never done it, but it is logical

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:55 pm
by HK-FortySeven
Check this website ... memory.htm

It’s in the New Zealand section but it seems to be universal.

However, another problem might arise when copying and pasting these files, as the official x-box memory unit I bought with my console only allows for 500 blocks of saves while a single KOTORII game is 1600 blocks. It all depends on the type of memory unit that you have.

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2005 9:58 pm
by yoyopogo104
my cousin's x-box has 50,000+ blocks, so i think im good...ill check out that website and see if it helps...its baisically what dead suggested :)

eh, i tried doin this stuff earlier, but i never saw an option to copy. ill try again tomm (since my cousins on the xbox now :rolleyes: )

:mad: this is just messed up! it wont let me copy anything to my card! urgh! well, as for the whole hookin it up to my computer deal, i have no clue if i even have the required tools to do that. i can probably kiss those games goodbye...oh well :o :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:06 am
by Dead!
unlucky, how many games do you have on it?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:25 am
by yoyopogo104
well, i save a lot (just in case), but ive currently been working on two games in the first kotor (one female and one male, both ls). i wanted to compare gameplay and use some cheats (to get a lot of skills, feats and powers...dumb attribute glitch wouldnt work :rolleyes: ). i am about halfway through on both, too. as for the others, dont really care about those 'cause they're done...except i did have 3 unfinished kotor II games... eh *shrugs* starting over isnt so bad. gives me somethin to do when im bored (but this year i have a feeling i wont have so much free time...*duh duh duuuuuuhhhhhh* is coming :eek: )