Well, I finally made it to Skulldoon. Getting attacked by MOBs of Death Widows, Barrowgrim soldiers, Goblin warlocks and your occassional chunneler was pretty scary at first; but the minotaur was an anti-climax. I'm only getting approx 21k exp as opposed to the 30k I'd read in other posts. Also, the weapon I get the most for is the mace - a bit over 2 grand each. The axe only nets me a little over 200.
While the minotaur is really easy to kill, at 21k I'd much rather go kill moonbeasts at 18k each since they tend to swarm you and you can build up a lot of exp fast.
The Mighty Minotaur
The Mighty Minotaur
The more you are, the more you can be and the more you can be, the more you can yet become. ~God
Tip for moonbeasts
I read in another post that the moonbeasts won't enter the water. Well, that's true, but I found an extra advantage by going to the left by the tree. If you get just within the first blades of grass - but stay out of the second - the beasts will come close enough to hit with a 6 foot range weapon. Like a katana for instance. This way you can kill them a whole lot quicker than with a ranged weapon.
Also, I tried setting monster difficulty to hard, but got no more experience out of them. Then I set it back to norm and changed the random encounters to 'more'. I made it to lvl 13 from 12 in half an hour.
Btw, I got 21k - 22k out of them - as good as or better than the minotaur.
I read in another post that the moonbeasts won't enter the water. Well, that's true, but I found an extra advantage by going to the left by the tree. If you get just within the first blades of grass - but stay out of the second - the beasts will come close enough to hit with a 6 foot range weapon. Like a katana for instance. This way you can kill them a whole lot quicker than with a ranged weapon.
Also, I tried setting monster difficulty to hard, but got no more experience out of them. Then I set it back to norm and changed the random encounters to 'more'. I made it to lvl 13 from 12 in half an hour.
Btw, I got 21k - 22k out of them - as good as or better than the minotaur.
The more you are, the more you can be and the more you can be, the more you can yet become. ~God
If you want XP to fly, go to Vale of Ruins, with mob spawns set to Hard and More, and then run from the Moonbridge to Draedoth Temple, I will garuntee you atleast a level in that one run
. I experimented today on my toon Vequ. Started out at 17 now hes 21. Went to Vale, defeated literal armies of Barrowgrim soldiers, Ninjas, Harrowbrook (the tree guys), Tomb Soldiers, Zombie Warriors, Death Widows, Fire Drakes, Syths, Wraiths. It was nuts. Fun as hell though. Didn't die once either. I have like 10 celestial, and about 20 heal crystals (Big and small) about a hundred small heal potions. Wasnt too bad. The about 1 in 3 mobs will drop a heal potion so it helps. Actually gained more than I used. I dont use spells too often, but they did help me abit, especially Ray spells (Meaning a ray of something coming from me, EX. Lightning, to help push the mobs back so I could actually regain footing to launch attacks again). I doubt I could have done it if I didnt have the blade I do (its from after I killed Voratuus in the Tomb of Souls... Watcher's reward) and the Blade Enchantments. Not to mention I skimped out of going to talendor to place the final relic... that ring is ESSENTIAL to fighting like this. I think with all the gear I have, no spell can affect me, so that is a plus aswell.. Need high DPS or you wouldnt be able to make it far before you were engulfed to the point you couldnt hit.
Also tried the Moonbeasts with Hard and More. Hehe was fighting them at the shrine 6-7 at a time. VoR was better however. Just more mobs, and mobs that gave me 10-50k a kill (about 150k from the drakes if i could find. Only about 3 spawned on me in an hour)
Also tried the Moonbeasts with Hard and More. Hehe was fighting them at the shrine 6-7 at a time. VoR was better however. Just more mobs, and mobs that gave me 10-50k a kill (about 150k from the drakes if i could find. Only about 3 spawned on me in an hour)
You stare upon the perch,
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
Vegu, I concur. I loved the more/hard settings in the Vale of Ruins. I is fun to go there an bust some heads. I like the variety of all the different monsters. I think the one I had the most trouble with was the twisted slyph (or at least I think that was what it was called). She would summon all kinds of beasts to protect her, not to mention the gripping vines and poison gas spells. It makes it difficult to get to her and pound her.
Thats why its essential to have the 100 to all resists on. Nothing bothers you, so you can just go in and chop, sit for abit, then proceed onward untill the next batch. only things that had a chance to mess me up were those damn trees (ranged hurts, and hte knockback isnt pleasent when you have 7 on you at once lol). I like using the Wraiths... the Ice is very nice since it doesnt affect me. Very handy with Drakes, and Trees. I tried something new today. I stood in the middle of the area between the Moonbridge and the Temple, pulled up Inventory, then went an watched tv for like... an hour. Came back, ran around... a fire drake, 10 trees, a slyph and countless Borrowgrim soldiers came at me lol. Was fun. Didnt die, but No one should if they carry as many heal potions as I do, just takes a hell of a long time to kill them all hehe.
You stare upon the perch,
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.
The sight forces your somach's lurch.
The sight you see,
Is Death glaring back at thee.
You gave it a hum,
You let it run,
Now all you see,
Is the mirror that bleeds.