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New script: Ladies?
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 5:25 pm
by Lenny
The scripting language and compiler included with BGII is powerful. So powerful, in fact, that I'm surprised there haven't been many fan scripts released other than minor tinkering. You can create complex cut scenes, new characters, voice overs, tie-ins with existing quests name it.
I've decided to try my hand at writing an entirely new story arc; one which can be played without interfering with the main plot, and I came to the message boards to fish for what people would like to see.
I've noticed two things:
1. There are an unusually large number of female players (for an RPG).
2. Half of their posts are complaints about Anomen.
A new NPC romance for women... It sounds like an interesting challenge. I don't want to make the same mistake the developers did, however. I'm asking for your input, ladies:
If there were the option to choose a party NPC other than Anomen, who would it be, and why?
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 5:29 pm
by magusg
I'm male, but I've heard many requests for Valgyar. Something about his poor plight...
Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 7:14 pm
by Aegis
MINSC! MINSC ALL THE WAY! I may be male, but he would be cool to be invovled with...
P.S. I'm not at all gay...
Courage is Bravery,
Bravery is Courage,
Children are Flamable
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 7:26 pm
by Seabass
Isnt it possible to create an enirely new character?? If so, you should really do that....
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 8:01 pm
by Lenny
Seabass: No.
I'm going to work within the party makeup provided by the designers. In the case of NPC romances what I've mostly heard is, "I wish it was possible to go for one of the other fellows." When I'm done, it will be.
The rest of you guys: go away!
Heh heh - this post is directed specifically at women who would like an alternative to a certain insecure would-be paladin. If I see one more "I'm a guy, but I think...." response I'm going to script a male romance with the troll shamaness instead, and code it to be mandatory. >
Edited[] Magusg: Valygar looks like a good possibility. The more I hear from those for whom I'm writing the better, though. Pipe up, gals - you're the ones who'll have to deal with the results.
[This message has been edited by Lenny (edited 01-03-2001).]
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 8:35 pm
by Alexia
Hmmm...good question. I gues that some of this would have to be alignment/class based, but:
Yoshimo: Even if he is a traitor, I think he was the most fun guy in my party (until I killed him). He showed an interest in the other characters as well as my PC.
Kaldorn would be interesting, if he could stop whining about his wife. He technically got a divorce, right? *grins* He's the knight in shining armor.
Beyond that...all the guys seem to have their own problems that would screw up a romance scene. I think they have more problems than the females...and they whine more about them. A new male probably would have to be made.
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 8:49 pm
by Drakron Du´Dark
well, let me give my hunble advice. NONE.
- Haer´Dalis ,a possibilty but he is usless as a npc(besides the wisting thing gets on my nerves) but it´s the one best sutible for this "modification" by using the "flier whit areie lines" of couse if aerie is on the party can cause some difficultys.
- Yoshimo , early death.
- Jan. he is a gmone plus he is a gmone.
- Valygar ,I just don´t like him.
- Korgan , besides his higine habits is a Dwarf.
- Cernd , don´t get me started.
- Edwin , the funny one (afther he goes by the "more powerful" transformation. Dialoge Your character -Edwin, what happen to your ... edwina- no, that cannot be happening. your character - well edwin, I gess that we are not going to share the blaket any more until you go back to normal. edwin -but sweet I...)
"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not became a monster... when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss gazes into you..."
Friedrich Nietzsche
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 9:04 pm
by Ron
Im a guy but i say JAN
You all know what they say about gnomes?
just a few ¢ from me!
[url=""]Shadows of the Midnight Hour[/url]
My Ultima Online Guild Page
[This message has been edited by Ron (edited 01-03-2001).]
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 10:17 pm
by Kerra
"Kaldorn would be interesting, if he could stop whining about his wife."
alexia you are bad =P's what i think about all of them.
yoshimo: he is a fun guy but he dies so early. maybe if you could stop him from dying and make that the story?
jan janson: ummm no, hehe
korgan: he scares me. like we need abusive relationships in BG lol.
haer dalis: he is the kind of guy i don't let drive me home after a party.... i'm pretty sure he's bi, too.
minsc: ya aegis
i don't even want to see the kids he'd give me though
edwin: even if he wasn't a total jerk he'd still have that scroll problem. i don't want a boyfriend who borrows my pantyhose.
i will vote for valygar though. he doesn't whine much, he's friendly and he's pretty good looking. his only real problem is he doesn't want his kids to have magic.
(>")> <( " )> <("<
kirby =)
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 10:22 pm
by Ron
Well maybe kids could do Minsc good. Hes not retarded just was dropped a few times when he was little ;D
Just a couple ¢ from Ron!
[url=""]Shadows of the Midnight Hour[/url]
My Ultima Online Guild Page
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 11:33 pm
by Hei_Mao
Hmmm... unfortunately, Anomen seems to be the best of a bad lot, IMO. (Valygar is too driven for my tastes, as is Keldorn. Let us not even speak of the others.) If he were rescripted, he'd be better. Haven't tried him as Chaotic Neutral yet, though. I don't know if that makes a difference.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm thinking that Anomen is supposed to be a Work In Progress, something that perhaps will be developed further in BGIII or an expansion, whichever ends up being done. I've spent a little time looking into his motivations (I'm a writer, it's a habit, so sue me), and it seems that whether he likes it or not, he is his father, only without the boozy overtones. Becoming a knight is only a slight improvement. I could go further, but why bore you? ;-)
*sigh* Maybe I should just create a portrait of Chow Yun-Fat circa 'A Better Tomorrow', import it, and make up my own BGII romance. (joking, but not by much)
Too bad Hendak isn't available. Handy in a fight, runs his own business... <g>
Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2001 11:48 pm
by Ron
Jan, Jan hes the man!
Just a couple ¢ from Ron!
[url=""]Shadows of the Midnight Hour[/url]
My Ultima Online Guild Page
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 12:03 am
by mikel
Really nice idea Lenny !
Kerra :
"Kaldorn would be interesting, if he
could stop whining about his wife."
alexia you are bad =P
Nobody is complaining about Jaheira which starts a romance just after she finds her husband dead.
A vote for Valygar.
[the wife, translated by the husband]
Two points:
Perhaps contact [url=","],[/url] they are also working on expansions, it would be a waste if two work on an identical script.
If you really start, post a request for help. Not on the story itself, this should be desingned by yourself.
But on writing script, testing and translating it to other languages than english.
[this part is from the husband himself]
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 7:16 am
by Maurice
Lenny, are you a bit short-sighted? I don't want to offend you, but you seem to think that as a male you are STRICLTY ORDERED to play male characters, and as a female to ONLY play female characters.
The character I have (and use a plenty for various other games) and like best is a human female Cleric, while I myself am most definitely male. She has given me lots of fun and satisfaction in all of these games (and I don't mean in THAT way
Do you think such 'cross-overs' are impossible or should be forbidden? I don't think so.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 7:32 am
by Moonmaid
I´m quite ok with Anomen, but if I´d have to name somebody, it would be Keldorn.(I´ve got something for the knights, don´t you think...)
He´s got that Sean Connery-style charm that´t very attracting.Plus he´s free for the taking after he´s done with his wife.
I don´t want to even mention the others here...
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 11:55 am
by Minerva
Sean Connery?? Are you sure? He is a Scotish and too humorous to be like Keldorn. But I agree Keldorn would be interesting. My personal favourite is Volygar, though, and I have both of them in my party!! I never had Korgan long enough, but could have an outside chance, I think.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 11:57 am
by Minerva
I apologise to Scottish people, I missed one of "t"s.
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 12:00 pm
by Gruntboy
Way to go Lenny. Get all the ladies posting in this thread on the premise of 'doing them a favour' and then, BAM!
You old smoothie.
Grunt Grunt!
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 12:05 pm
by Ubik
I am not a woman (last time I checked, at least) but if I was one, I would try Haer'Dalis. He is definitely Bi but they say that bi are kind better in it (understanding the female side, more tender etc.) so, try the tiefling... even if he's got a tail
Dwarfs are better equiped than gnomes, I 've heard
Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2001 3:32 pm
by Lenny
Excellent, excellent.
Firstly: Mikel - thankyouthankyouthankyou. That link is a godsend. I had no idea there was already a community of amateur game mod developers. Story and script I most certainly do not want help with, but duplication would be a shame, and I hadn't even thought of translation. ...As for Jaheira, I'm happy to see someone else found her quick rebound disturbing. In my first game she started making passes within four game days of escaping prison. "Go away you freak! Khalid is barely cold!"
Maurice: I also don't mean to offend, but you have missed the intent of my post. Nothing I have written implies that men must play men and vice versa. The problem I've chosen to address is the fact that there is only a single female romance possibility, and it was created
without female input. I am now gathering that input. Men are more than free to play the MOD, but I'm writing it for women, so it's their thoughts I seek here.
Kerra: After that sadistic Aerie post you're frightened of Korgan?
Seriously though, your and Alexia's posts have me thinking.
"Beyond that...all the guys seem to have their own problems that would screw up a romance scene." This is what has me thinking. Solving the problem of an otherwise-stable character sounds like a great story hook.
Drakron: I hope you like trollesses, because it's Green Lovin' for you. (see my above post)
Hei_Mao: I hadn't even considered rescripting Anomen. It's a good idea, but it's one I don't think I can pull off well: His current personality grates on my nerves, and I'm not too inclined to improve his lot. *grin*
"(Valygar is too driven for my tastes, as is Keldorn.
I understand why you see Keldorn as overly driven, but why Valygar? He seemed almost aimless once the Great Evil of his uncle had been laid to rest.
Let us not even speak of the others.)
I could go further, but why bore you? ;-)
No - please go on. I assure you you will not bore me, heh heh.
...And admit it - you favor Hendak because he sounds like Ahnold.
Moonmaid/Minerva: I did not know Keldorn can lose his wife entirely. In my three run throughs he either patched it up and left the party or patched it up and rejoined later. I'll have to dig up a save and play that subquest through again. You Keldorn fans might want to beware though: He ignored his first wife for Helm. Would you really want to end up the Amnian version of a golf widow?
Gruntboy: I think I see how you got the name Grunt. hahaha...