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Canderous. Again... (spoilers)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 3:15 pm
by Suicide Girl
First off, if I ask one more question regarding Canderous, I give everybody permission to hit me with a frying pan. This is starting to get embarrassing...


After I finished the conversation with Jagi in the Dune Sea, by trying to get Canderous and him to reconcile and ending the story with Jagi's suicide, I got a journal update on the "Canderous" quest, saying how he was oddly affected by his encounter with Jagi.

I've landed on the Unknown World and got the option of talking to Canderous after what happened on Tatooine for the first time. I did and he told me how he's not the Mandalorian he used to be and how he will think about what he wants to do after we're done with our noble quest and all.

And the only problem is that, after that conversation, I did not get a journal update. I reached Level 20 and tried talking to him again, but there are no options other than the usual threesome - 1) gimme a stimulant, 2) where the hell are we?, 3) bye-bye, see you later.

Is there supposed to be another conversation somewhere before the end? I'm about to go see the Red Rakata (I'm still the new kid on the island), so will there be something after I find Bastila on the Temple Summit? Or is this just a glitch or a bug or whatever? I really want to finish that quest. :(

And, while we're at it, can I still get the conversation between Canderous and Juhani? I heard there was something when they talk while you have them in your group at the same time, and later you get a conversation with Juhani where she tells you never to trust a Mandalorian. Or maybe it's a little late for that, what with me going through the aforementioned fiasco with Canderous? Ah, 's not that important, really. Or maybe it is "or whatever".

Thank you for your time.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 5:25 pm
by Obi-Wan-Evan

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:46 am
by Suicide Girl
:( Perhaps I'm just stupid, but I've already tried that and didn't find anything. The closest I got is
You'll receive 1800xp and Canderous will be affected by what happened. That concludes Canderous Ordo's side quest. Much later in the game, he may say more to you, but this is as far as you get with this side story.
Ok, I know that, and now I'm at the "much later in the game" point and he said more to me, but the bloody quest's still open and that's what's bothering me. :confused:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 3:31 pm
by HK-FortySeven
There is one more conversation with Canderous.

If you are LS, when you finish the Unknown World planet you will need to leave on the Ebon Hawk and dock on the Star Forge. Before you leave the ship when on the Star Forge, talk to Canderous. He will make a final statement concerning his relationship with you and the quest is classed as completed.

I think the same is true if you are DS. If not, I think it is resolved through conversation when you arrive back at the Ebon Hawk on the Unknown World after completing the tasks at the Temple Summit.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:03 am
by Suicide Girl
Thank you so very very much :)