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Paladin Kits
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2000 10:28 pm
by Phoenix
I am going to make a paladin and wanted to know which kit to use, any ideas?
Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2000 10:34 pm
by Lucian
cavalier..the truest paladin kit in my eyes
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 4:30 am
by Crovax
hmm....cavelier is a western style paladin. If you are gonna use katanas, scimitars and other exotic weapons you might wanna think about another kit (from a roleplaying perspective ofcourse). Although i did give my cavelier cromfaeyr and celstial fury(just4fun.....euhhh) but now im playing a true cavelier (imho), i gave him daystar and a reflecting shield. Perhaps it would be fun to make an all pally adventurer party.
If i was u id go with the undead hunter, for he has imunity against hold and level drain (u will be able to kick bodhi's ass with him alone). Being imune to hold is VERY IMPORTANT.
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 6:04 am
by Nagash
True seeing and dispel magic at high levels works wonders, ( and the name sounds cool )
of course, with the prevalence of vamps in the game, an undead hunter is also quite a realistic choice
When hope has no champion, evil conquers all.
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 7:50 am
by Thomas
My humble view on the subject is that the undead hunter kit is the most useful of the paladin kits. Being able to withstand hold spells and effects, wich ruins anyones day, as well as not having to fear the disastrous result of a massive level drain gets my vote any day.
The paladin kits are all very useful though. But the cavaliers "foes of choise" are kind of rare compared to the crawling legions of undead and the Inquisitors abilites can be duplicated by a spellslinger, though not with the same speed and power.
It's more about choosing your foes than your weapons so to say.
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 9:12 am
by Nighthawk
I'm really puzzled why anyone would give a paladin anything other than Carsomyr. Not only is it the most IC weapon for a paladin, it's also the most effective weapon in the game!
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 9:30 am
by Bill
If you start playing the game without knowing that Carsomyr exists,then it is possible to put wrong weapon proficiencies -it happened to me.
So I ended using Dragonslayer and Flail of Ages for most of the game.
"ÃçñÜóêù áåß äéäáóêüìåíïò"
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 10:28 am
by Nighthawk
Hmm...true, and just knowing that there is a Holy Avenger does not tell you that it is a 2-h sword and not a longsword or bastard sword although you can pretty well guess it would be one of the three.
Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2000 3:20 pm
by Crovax
i dont really need the best weapon for my palladin to still kick ass. Holy avenger is ofcourse kewl but I actually dont like 2 use 2-h weapons. Call me old fashioned but for me more attacks in 1 round is more important. The fact that holy avenger is a great weapon for keldorn made my choice a lot easier. By giving him the holy avenger i got the chance to use some other kewl stuff for my paladin.
Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2000 6:23 pm
by Cloud
i would also have to say that the undeadhunter is the best kit, cool name as well. immunity to level drain us soooooooooooooooooooooo good