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Houses...Wheres The Best?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 8:51 pm
by kroniik
I know this has probably already been talked about, but its nice to get a gould thread going once and awhile.

My house is in the St.Olms Canton, one of the houses that are right across from the temple in Vivic. Its a nice small house, has a little riser up towards the bed, but i am thinking about moving because i have so much stuff and i want a house where there are no overflow loot bag. I want a really cool looking house, not a plain 'ol, 1 round room. I was thinking of moving into a store, but i want a nice 1, where do you think?

Post about your house, and why it suits you. :p

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:41 pm
I always kill Ra'virr the trader in Balmora. One becaause he has a two level house and because he has special swords. Kill him and you will get 4 weapons that can get you some good cash. Or if you go to Tel Vos northeastof it is Tel Vos dungeons. Lots of space but you'll have to kill a flame astronach some scamps and rats. Also bring a potion of rising force 5 pts will do because in the jail area there is a cliff you need to go up never been up there though because I haven't had one when I have been there but there are so many places in the dungeons. I will post another reply later after I think and get my map.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:15 pm
by fable
We encourage folks who post comments already present in older threads to use those threads. It doesn't take much of a search, and that way it's easier for people to find specific topics when they're looking for information. In this case, please post your comments to this housing thread.

This one's closed.