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Energy Drain

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 1:21 am
by LeannaJJorg
What's up with this spell can I remove it somehow I really would like the people in the group to have experiance but I can't when I get energy drained?

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 1:53 am
by ltldrgn1
use a restoration spell, scroll from most merchants, or a temple or a somewhat high level cleric (4th level spell)

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 9:01 am
by renyu
u start fighting with vamps in chap 2 if u take korgan's quest

theres not much gd clerics around
theres vic, whos evil, and theres anomen who sux

is there anyone else?? doubt so, unless u count in dear old aerie whose cleric skills are good only in the beginning

for me my PC was a cleric so there was no problem

if u r evil, no problem also

however, if u arnt then there might be problems with high level cleric spells

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 9:52 am
by Doltan
Aerie is fine for restoration. Otherwise, get Anomen as he is a dual fighter/cleric, with cleric being his active class (and thus the one that raises to a higher level).

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 1:23 pm
by Jonas Eriksson
You can by a restoration scroll in a temple

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2001 5:46 pm
by magusg
Aerie's just awesome at low levels. But at higher levels the disadvantages of multi-classing become painfully apparent. Nonetheless, she always makes a good healer, and she makes up for quality with quantity. She is very versatile, and her mage spells give her an offensive punch in magic that regular clerics lack. Admittedly she is weaker in physical combat than a cleric, but clerics aren't exactly good fighters anyway. So who says good doesn't have a good cleric?

Magus, mighty sorcerer, and summoner of hordes of...magical flying swords