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Yoshimo is still willing(SPOILER)
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:22 am
by SupaCat
So I'm in the prison on the ISland and i'm at the point that Yoshimo should attack you and that you kill him and gain his heart. You know:fight with IRani after you free the prisoners.
Well, the problem is that he show up, but I can take him with me. I've killed all the assasins (after that Irani was gone) and I dont know what to do with Yoshi.
First I took him with me but after I was out to go to the Boat he just died.
WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:41 am
by Faust
Sounds like a bug. The obvious thing is to just reload and keep trying. Do you have any mods installed? Regardless, his death is hardcoded, which explains why he is dying as you try to exit Spellhold. Can you loot his corpse at that point and get his heart? That's all that's incredibly important at this juncture anyway.
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 9:44 am
by Lonelypilgrim
Again a little spoiler about Yoshy
Maybe it is just not meant for Yoshy to live...
Your question seemes a little foggy to me.Are you using a mod to keep him alive?Or not and you are just killing him?Anyway...if you enter spellhold with yoshimo in your party then he will attack you together with the assasins.Kill him,take his heart and take it to the temple at Athkatla.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:55 am
by SupaCat
I KNOW THAT! (but thanks)
I killed the assasins, and yoshi is just standing as a friendly one, with a blue thing on the floor. I can talk to him and he says something of :are we going on in the adven..... THEN he is in my party. I GET outside the spellhold and dies.
I DIDNT DO ANYTHING BUT HE JUST DIED. I tryed to kill him when he was still friendly but no heart.
Btw:I have only 1 mod : new merchants.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:40 am
by Thrifalas
New merchants or just the bonus one? 'Cause there's no suck known bug that comes with the bonus merchant "mod". In fact, there's no bugs at all.
The reason why Yoshi dies is 'cause Irenicus has put a... what was it? Geia? Well, that spell-thingie on him so he dies. It's what causes him to die if you visit him at the Copper Coronet after returning to Athkatla if he isn't in your party.
But well... definately a bug. Try again, or just don't bother gaining his heart. 90k exp isn't unreplacable.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:45 am
by fable
I've never encountered this bug. All I can suggest is waiting to see if anybody else here has, and possibly checking out the Bioware tech forums--maybe even the general one.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 12:04 am
by Lonelypilgrim
I just read the Bioware BG2 patch info from here: ... t/patches/
I saw "Fixed bug with Yoshimo script not changing correctly.".Maybe it will help if you haven`t got it already.
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:09 am
by SupaCat
I think i'll do it without the heart. To bad. But thanks all anyway
BTW: I have bonus merch.