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Problems with the tower of emmindor
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 10:00 am
by Bobi ... indale.php
Scroll at the end of the page , it says that I need to go back to emmindor and report on what i've learned , but when I get back to arindale , I use magic mirror , Emindor gave me to enter his tower, gates appear but cant enter the tower .Says "enter the tower of emmindor" but when I press shift it says "using magic mirror" and I cant get in. I've heard that there are lot of bugs in that tower , but if I cant get into that tower then I cant go to fargrove.
What should I do?

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2005 2:03 pm
by Hounder
Try using the mirror twice in a row. That is what I did.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 2:30 am
by Domarius
Trouble entering the tower
IN a multi player lan game , version 1.3, my friend and I can't get in the Tower in Arindale. We have followed the guild lines as posted
Banshee Walkthrough but still can't find a door to enter.
When I go up the stairs to the tower and get the white text message "ENTER THE TOWER OF EMMINDOR" I hit the shift key and get a yellow text message "USING THE MAGIC MIRROR". Nothing seems to happen. When my friend goes up the stairs all he gets is a yellow text message "THE GREAT TOWER" and when he hits the shift key no response but I get the message "Using the magic mirror"
One thing we noticed trying for hours to figure out the problem is:
-we can't seem to find Galdryn's Horn in either of our inventory's.
We rebooted the computers several times. Now we are at a loss of what to do. If anyone can give us some suggestions it would be greatly appreciated. For example Where is the door? What does it look like ?
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:55 am
by Bobi
[QUOTE=Hounder]Try using the mirror twice in a row. That is what I did.[/QUOTE]
How can u do that?I can use mirror only once then im stuck
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:37 am
by Hounder
Just use it twice in a row. No different, Instead of hitting the button once, hit it twice. A door should start appearing the first time, the second allows you to enter.
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:10 am
by Bobi
[QUOTE=Hounder]Just use it twice in a row. No different, Instead of hitting the button once, hit it twice. A door should start appearing the first time, the second allows you to enter.[/QUOTE]
Nope , aint working.
But tell me sumthing , after I talk to emmindor then I will be able to go to fargrove , cuz it is locked by this n00b captain okatta?!
I done Way of the tiger quest and its still locked !!!
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:08 pm
by Domarius
Any suggestions ?
Still at a lose. Anyone have any suggestions at all please ? Bobi, can you see a horn in your inventory ?
Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:20 pm
by mage.merlyn
There is another problem
Firstly I am enjoying the game much more than when I began, thanks to some tips from other forum members.
Now on to my gripe.
After speaking with Emmindor the first time around he mentions the availabilty of magic items to select from 'downstairs'.
I couldn't find any and as a last resort checked the walkthrough, to see if I was doing something wrong or missed a step.
To my utter frustration I found the following . . .
"Note: Emmindor will tell you that “downstairs are many spellbooks and magic baubles” and that you’re free to take them. This is an unfinished part of the game, and you won’t find anything to take."
This is pretty poor for a game that has so much promise. Not only that but I find it hard to believe that this can be acknowledged and not remedied after 3 patch releases.
Don't suppose if anyone knows if this will be fixed in 1.4
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:54 am
by Bobi
[QUOTE=Domarius]Still at a lose. Anyone have any suggestions at all please ? Bobi, can you see a horn in your inventory ?[/QUOTE]
Nop , as far as I remember , I have put the horn where it should be put , relics of power of sumthing in talendor , then I have to go back to arindale and tell what I learned ..
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 8:10 am
by golden_efreeti
I doubt they will add content untill all the terminal, game-ending bugs are fixed, but that's just my thoughts about it. However, it would be nice to see a few mid to high level spell books sitting around down there just for the taking.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:57 am
by Bobi
I just want to know how to get to fargrove after lockdown...
Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:23 am
by alildevil
to check if u have the horn
all I do is click the char screen where you have your spells listed and at the bottom , there is INVOKE click that to check if you need to check the horn in inv.
Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:18 pm
by seanitop
multiplayer direct ip cant get back into tower
My friend and I both play single player during the week and have progressed fairly far into the game. Unfortunately, during our once a week multiplayer session, we too have come to a standstill regarding return entrance after placing the horn in talendor. We tried using Gamespy, and direct ip, with the results the same. NO ENTRANCE. I take that back. After jumping at the wall and hitting all kinds of keys I managed to go through the wall (clipped I guess) and ended up trapped inside the tower shell. My partner was still outside and the place was bare. I have also tried hitting shift multiple times with no success. We cannot enter Fargrove. Is this game basically over for us?
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:06 am
by Hounder
Well, once you have placed the Horn, then you have to return to Emindor and talk to him. Then the gates of Fargrove should open up and allow you back in. You will know that this is the case cause the gards outside the gate will make the foolish move of attacking you.
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:51 am
by Bobi
[QUOTE=Hounder]Well, once you have placed the Horn, then you have to return to Emindor and talk to him. Then the gates of Fargrove should open up and allow you back in. You will know that this is the case cause the gards outside the gate will make the foolish move of attacking you.[/QUOTE]
But the problem is we cant go to emmindor !!

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 2:54 pm
by mage.merlyn
Point taken . . .
[QUOTE=golden_efreeti]I doubt they will add content untill all the terminal, game-ending bugs are fixed, but that's just my thoughts about it. However, it would be nice to see a few mid to high level spell books sitting around down there just for the taking.

However, I do not believe that this would be 'adding content', as clearly the content was intended to be there in the first place.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:18 pm
by Kel
I had a similiar problem in Fargrove
I had simply portaled in to Fargrove an no one attacked me. I simply went
out the Arindale gate and was immediately attack by two foolish guards.
I then entered the town and Lord Davenmoor's Manor was attack by every
guard I ran into on my way into the Manor and also attempting to free the
guards and the Lord himself.
I suggest that you leave by the Arindale Gate. The two guards should
immediatley attack you as they attacked me. I figure that the coding just
accepts the fact that I am trying to re-enter Fargrove after the lockdown.
That explains why the guards attacked from then on since I ported in.
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:13 am
by Maggog
Emminor tower
Bobi.. having a similar problem at towe ...i can get in but cant get through second door, durn assistant guy is stuck trying to walk through dooors!
Guess he is trying to be like a ghost? LOL Oh well any suggestions welcomed ...thx