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About a Rogue - basic question.
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:40 am
by liorde
Hello all,
I would like to ask something basic about a Rogue in IWD2. Can a rogue have a "Dash" skill and also be advanced in "move-silently"? Can these two go together logically?
If a Rogue is multi-classed to wizard/sorcerer, and he is in the shadows (invisible), will he be locatd if he starts casting a spell?
If I initially created a "dumb" rogue i.e. allocating all points on DEX, CON, and STR is there any point in multiclassing him to Wiz or Sor ?
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:06 am
by Lonelypilgrim
1-I am almost definate that you can have dash and still move silently and improve the skill.
2-Here i am farely sure that he will be located if he will cast a spell.
3-It is utterly pointless to make him into a wizard because(i hope my memory serves me well now)he won`t be able to cast spells if the Int is below 12 or 11.Same goes for Sorcerer but the Cha modifier.
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:15 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=Lonelypilgrim]1-I am almost definate that you can have dash and still move silently and improve the skill.
2-Here i am farely sure that he will be located if he will cast a spell.
3-It is utterly pointless to make him into a wizard because(i hope my memory serves me well now)he won`t be able to cast spells if the Int is below 12 or 11.Same goes for Sorcerer but the Cha modifier.[/QUOTE]
To expand:
1- Feats and skills are seperate including in this case. Even if it logically makes little sense. The rogue should still go faster when hidden- the feat represents training to do tis.
2- Like with the invisibilty spell, performing an action (other than movement) will take the rogue out of the shadows - if not when casting, after the spell has been cast. I don't think the ability lingers.
3- I agree- although there should be a few items in the game that increase stats, but they are randomly found and of not much use to a character who has less than 10 in his casting stat (INT or CHA).
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:40 am
by liorde
So the best choice is to make into a fighter, yes?
Assuming he has all the attributes in the correct places, which he does. Maxxed out on STR, DEX, CON.
Okay, now on which Rogue level should I multi-class him..? Currently I am on 10 Rogue level.
Thanks again.
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:56 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=liorde]So the best choice is to make into a fighter, yes?
Assuming he has all the attributes in the correct places, which he does. Maxxed out on STR, DEX, CON.
Okay, now on which Rogue level should I multi-class him..? Currently I am on 10 Rogue level.
Actually I think Barbarian may be a better choice. Same kind of armour limitations, best HP and if you have low WIS and INT you'd miss out on the best fighter feats anyway.
Alternate from your next level up. If you're character has a favoured class in either rogue/barbarian or is a human then there will no be XP penalty. Otherwise you might want to concentrate on Barbarian for a while until it gets closer to your Rogue levels. The same applies for Fighter.