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Trouble Choosing your Class?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 12:55 am
by Berethor
If you're having trouble choosing the class you want to use, just look at all their stars and think to yourself what Kind of skills you want. I wen through so many types, and Im still not sure which one to use. I was hopin you guys could vote on which one is the best I made.


Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:07 am
by Lonelypilgrim
It is really hard to say.If you are a really experienced player then i would say that you should be with the assasin.
The Kensai/mage is definately very good for power gaming,but it might bore you later on.
Conjurer is good for middle gamers.
From these here i wouldn`t advise you to take the archer or the stalker.The monk is a little more personal..i don`t like them but you really could.
So tell me,before i vote,do you think you are an experienced player?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:29 am
by Minerva
I agree with Lonelypilgrim that it is difficult to say.

First of all, are you asking us which class of the choice *we* want to play or you want us to chose which class *you* should play?

If you want to know which class *I* want to play, my answer is "none of the above". Many says Kensai/Mage is powerful, and it may be so, but I am not fond of Kensai to begin with. I prefer plain fighter dual to mage, and I don't care what other people think of it. I also like fighter/thief multi and mage/cleric multi. Stalker is useful, but not for my PC (I am happy to take Valygar); I take druid of some choice, but again not for my PC. Monk may be powerful, but I never played it.

And if you ask us which is powerful for you to play, then, it really depends on what kind of play you like and who you are going to take with you. Some like hack and slash with lots of mucle power, while I like using combination of spells and weapons.

Therefore, I am sorry to say that I really can't help this question.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:45 am
by stramoski
Choose yourself last

I always pick my NPCs first, then go back and fill in the "hole" with whatever class is needed. They can almost all be great fun.

Maybe if you told us who you were planning on having along, we could help you more.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:57 am
by Ravager
It will depend a LOT on whether you are going solo too. Other things do you prefer going for melee or spell-casting types?

Out of that list I'd personally prefer Monk (as long as it isn't solo)- there's quite a lot of good abilities in there and front-line skill. Generally I'd probably choose something not on that list though.

I wouldn't like K/M much as I'm not too much of a dual-classing fan with all the limitations it poses (even if they are temporary).

Could you post a few details on the characters? They are a bit scattered through the threads.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:22 am
by Faust
[QUOTE=stramoski]I always pick my NPCs first, then go back and fill in the "hole" with whatever class is needed. They can almost all be great fun.

Maybe if you told us who you were planning on having along, we could help you more.[/QUOTE]

This is the strategy, I'd adopt. There is no "wrong" type of PC. So, it might be best to figure out which party members you want, and then figure in which "gap" your PC can best fill.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:11 am
by fable
As others have pointed out, this isn't an effective thread, because the question's too vague: any character can be effective depending upon your configuration (stats and items), whom you have in your party, and how you play each battle tactically. Comparisons become impossible without details. I'm closing it, but feel free to open another thread giving asking about how one would play a specific character class with certain stats, and with certain party members. I would suggest leaving the poll out, but that's up to you. ;)