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Slayer help

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 6:17 am
by Leo
In Asylum I transformed into the slayer for the first time. I want to know who is he, how to control slayer-changing ability...?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 6:34 am
by rapier
The next time you sleep you'll transform to him another time, and the night after that you'll have a dream...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 9:21 am
by Bloodstalker
Control through special abilities button

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 9:30 am
by rapier
Yeah, after the dream, that is...

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 12:57 pm
by UserUnfriendly
The slayer form is damned usefull,

warrior with tob installed? Greater whirlwind and slayer

slayer form is immune to many magics including imprison

can open doors in mind flayer dungeon without using up those wonderfull, really handy control circlets- those circlets can be used on almost anything, someone direcharmed dragons and kangaxx once!

If you have a mixed party, just change and your rep goes down 2 without killing anyone!!!

str 25, int 25, and regenerating, gotta love that.

just be carefull, don't stay too long or you will die!

Also, you will explode when entering new areas.

I changed in tob, and every time the map loaded my char exploded! ring of flame like fireshield red and a puff of fire! No damage, but damned annoying. hopefully tob new patch fixed that


Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 1:20 pm
by Leo
Yeah, I got the ability to become the slayer at will. But the reputation lowers. Why? Also if I'm a lawful good character will that affect my knighthood. What did you mean saying 'a mixed party'? I see you all got tob installed. Is it an add-on, or a brand new game? How much CDs does it take?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 1:25 pm
by Stoner Cold
the rep lowers because the slayer is the mortal avatar of bhaal (and hes evil)
it wont affect your knighthood, i played a paladin and i used the slayer loads
mixed party=a party with good and evil aligned characters
ToB is an add-on, and its only one CD
hope this helps, HAND

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2001 4:17 pm
by Xyx
Seems like you also lose reputation when one of your clones "succumbs to the evil"... Bit odd, isn't it?