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Trouble with installing

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 6:47 pm
by vizger
I was trying to reinstall my Icewind dale but it wont fully install it always now just pauses with error :mad: the error is -106 cannot move minimum/compressed art.Bif which is at 4-7% done of the installing if you could give me answers to fixing the problem or could give me that file it would be appreciated. it maybe be the cause from the many scratches on the cd tho i have used brasso.

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 8:31 pm
by vizger
hello im active

im waiting every 10 mins

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 4:46 am
by Ravager
Please don't rush us to answer your question. Especially if you only posted the question a couple of hours before.

Have you tried installing on different drives/partitions?

The best solution is probably going to be buying a replacement CD. Scratches can really ruin a CD :( .