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Need Help Finding Stupid Silver Keys
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 7:31 pm
by Deviant_Smackta
I cant find the last 3 keys, I have 27, but I cant find the last 3 to unlock the chest on the Lost Bay(30 Silver Keys), please help im getting crazy frustrated, I already found the key in the Necropolis, and in the Chicken Kicking Contest, that totals 27 including the 25 that where already in the original Fable. Can anyone help?!
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:38 am
by TinSaladin
im in the same boat figuratively
i have 29 keys
i came to the northland with 26 keys
1.there was one in a grave next to the ruined house at the lost bay
2.another on the area immediately after the lost bay in a grave stating it held the remains of traders torn to shreds by balverines
3.and another in the necropolis (the only one which wasnt in a grave, whats up with that) was in the river where the destroyed bridge (close to the demon door which wants my precious keys, no MINE) is , you have to fish for it
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 12:05 pm
by Craigboy
[QUOTE=Deviant_Smackta]I cant find the last 3 keys, I have 27, but I cant find the last 3 to unlock the chest on the Lost Bay(30 Silver Keys), please help im getting crazy frustrated, I already found the key in the Necropolis, and in the Chicken Kicking Contest, that totals 27 including the 25 that where already in the original Fable. Can anyone help?![/QUOTE]
So how did you get Fable: TLC?
Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:29 pm
by swcarter
Microsoft sent out review copies a couple weeks ago. That's how I got mine.
You can get more silver keys from the book collection quest and the fishing competition. That last silver chest is pretty disappointing, though.
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:04 pm
by lxkhn
very odd i have 27 keys when i went to the lost bay and i got all 3 of the ones there thats 30 but it only shows me haveing 29????
i think im going to go crazy this is the 3rd time i made a new character for that 30 chest...
25 in the normal fable
1 from chiken kicking and 1 from fishing
and then the 3 in the northern wastes
30? looks like it to me.
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 1:17 pm
by Never play alon
i dont have the game yet but.. mabey you should recheck thoes areas you already got keys from
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:46 pm
by telemantros
[QUOTE=Never play alon]i dont have the game yet but.. mabey you should recheck thoes areas you already got keys from[/QUOTE]
Or better yet, go to the walkthrough on this website.
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:47 am
by Overdosis0
I've got 29 to, still need the last one from the Book Quest.
I already got the Dark Wizard Hat but I still havent got enough books to get the key. I've got all of the rest, but the 30 key chest hasnt got a cool weapon, so i dont really care about having all 30.