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Your Most Gratifying Morrowind (& expansions) Moments (spoilers)
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 5:58 pm
by dragon wench
Have there ever been moments in your Game where you have employed magic, trickery or sheer brute force to impressive effect in order to get through a difficult battle?
I had one such moment earlier. I am doing the Stone Rituals for the Skaal in Bloodmoon... and I came upon the quest required by the Tree Stone...
Needless to say, I was horrified at having to defeat five spriggans simultaneously with the difficulty set to 100.

Not surprisingly, my level 40 character, even wearing various artifacts and carrying a variety of different potions, was quickly slaughtered the first time I tried this mission. Then I hit upon an idea....
I made an enchanted ring, named "The Ring of Volcanic Blasting," that dishes out ten points of damage for 15 seconds in a 20 feet radius, on target
I also used a Golden Saint soul... so the thing had 400 charges, which meant a total of 10 nasty blasts of fire.
In sneak mode, I approached the circle of Spriggans and Rickling and hit them with a wall of flames. They all died over the duration, and, of course, ressurected themselves. So I blasted them again. This time they all began towards me, but I levitated out of reach, the flames took hold, and they died once more.
I flew off a distance, descended and went back into sneak mode, and then proceeded to take on the spriggans one by one with Skull Crusher.. and of course they were on their last lives, so they couldn't bite back
This qualifies as one of my more enjoyable experiences in the game because it actually required a bit of thought
Okay... well.. some stinky cheese too
So what are your favourite battle moments, or occasions where you have outwitted an enemy?
Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:17 pm
by Luis Antonio
Entered one of those daedric shrines, the one near Ald Velothi with a 10 level character, 100 dif and without armour (unarmored skill rules

). But it was the wrong place, I needed to go to another one to complete a church quest where you have to cure someone from ash cancre.
What happens is, first second and third try I was killed on sight.
After that I've marked, returned for the church to cheese a bit (all stones activated, all blessing possible) and I've used levitation and poison spell to destroy them all, without a single hit later... heheh

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:54 pm
by fable
I'm playing the game with all sorts of cheese disabled by mods, so I've got nothing quite so exciting or ingenious to pass along. I can't levitate long, invisibility only lasts for 10 seconds, and chameleon never gets above 25%. I merely enjoyed the simple pleasure, when a pickpocket stole 800 gold from me outside one of the Vivec cantons, of lobbing a long range blast of fire at him as he neared the limit of 30 feet. It hit with a nice explosion, I watched him jerk, and fall. And I got back me money, too, along with a few health potions.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 12:23 am
by GA_Havoc
I once made a whole necromancer army.
With several spells that allow you to summun undead creatures I build up a force of 16 creatures, used fortify atribute spells and watch those creatures become nearly unstoppable.
only problem was my framerate.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 4:36 am
by Locke Da'averan
getting infected with poryphoria(sp?) in the vamp's fighter guild, getting my str over 300 constant-> being able to kill everything in one hit
yes it got boring after awhile but it did feel good.. especially being able to jump from canton to another without any spells

with CE items on health i guess one could say i was a daywalker

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:17 am
by moltovir
Fable, which mods add the spell limits and the thiefs? My collection is still incomplete
One of my best Morrowind moments was when I managed to clear an old Ashlander stronghold filled with Daedra with my level 15 Assassin, by watching patrol routes, sneaking around and backstabbing everything. As a reward I got a nice pair of boots with levitation on the bottom level

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:53 am
by Coot
Since I'm playing a thief-like character I don't enjoy company too much (it's sort of hard clearing out the various Great House Treasuries with people in clanky armor following you everywhere).
Still, after finishing the White Wolf of Lokkenquests you have the possibility of choosing some powerful companions. On some rare occassions I took them with me and let them slaughter some powerful enemies while my char just twiddled his thumbs. As a matter of fact, I plan to solve the five-spriggan-problem the same way

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:36 am
by Bloodstalker
My most gratifying moment came when I actually got to navigate my way around the northern islands(can't remember ther names to save my life) without crashing to desktop after at least ten attempts.
Other than that, I always enjoyed equipping my Nord with enchanted objects that basically turn him into a walking frost bomb that deals tons of damage in a 10-15 fot radias and watching everything around me take massive damage while my character just sits there making faces at the enemy. Immunity to frost comes in handy

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 10:39 am
by Aztaroth
Well for me it's sorta half in and half outta the game... see I made a mod for myself... I made a GIGANTIC tree-thingy a short way from Balmora, you could almost call it a MASSIVE aerial maze of tree trunks, bridges, tunnels and just about every imaginable piece of terrain... It was great... But at the very top, there was a giant plateu in the middle of which were several people, one of each race. Each wielded a weapon from some other mods I had downloaded... among them were Soul Edge and Soul Reaver... anyway, these guys attack when you get close, and with those weapons pretty they are DAMN powerful (I buffed their powers abit^^). Anyway, when I finally beat up my own creations and got the weapons, I started my way down again, and, drunk on my own swelled ego as I was, fell down into CALDERA and promptly died. Not having saved in quite some time, I was dismayed and deleted the mod...
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:21 am
by watsaguy2do
the good, the bad, and the Ordinators
i dont have a kickass megastory like you guys...
but the moost gratifying moment i ever had was the....
first time i killed an ordinator... id been hanging around in vivec for a couple of days, finding my way round, trying to look cool in front of the 'IN' crowd..( hey i was a low level and a little insecure)
and everywhere i went there were these tough looking, self conseited bullys saying things like <im watching you Nord> in hissing raspy voices... but the low level that i was, i could do nothing about it..........................
i was a nord on a mission
after quite a while of training and faild attepmts i cornered one of the prettyboys and slew like i had never slewd before....
my moment of triumph was at hand... i walked out of the foriegn quarter decked out in full indoril with all the traders hot daughters saying things like <its bin a while since i saw a nord in an outfit like that>...
the exhileration soon passed however as my bloated ego walked me staight into a gang of the b*st*rds (showing off- y do we do it?) who had been waiting round the corner... cries <you will pay with your blood!!!> filled the air..
and i did just that
quite literally, social suicide..........
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:33 am
by fable
[QUOTE=moltovir]Fable, which mods add the spell limits and the thiefs? My collection is still incomplete

SuperAdventurers. It's a general all-around tweaker that does many things, and remains a fave of mine.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:39 am
by Raven_Song
Not exactly earth shattering but here goes...
I usually play a Breton character, based around a modified version of the healer class. I believe that such a character would have strong views on violence and killing. Therefore I always try and complete missions without killing anybody and when I'm successful I find this quite gratifying.
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:17 am
by ch85us2001
When I killed a guy in the molag mar armigers stronghold. He had hull glass armor and a daedric claymore for my light armor longblade skilled level 1 char But when I payed the assualt charge I got it taken away

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:37 pm
by OneWingedAngel
this might spoil the bloodmoon quest but....
I was a lvl 48 assassin, so i was VERY fast, and i was at the end of the bloodmoon quest and you have to fight a bunch of werewolves, and i got trapped in a corner and i had to fight about 5 wolves.... barely made it....
(but i had a magic ring that healed my health constantly)
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 9:59 am
by ch85us2001
Getting the lords mail was also cool
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:01 am
by Ravager
Defeating my first cliff racer.
My first encounter in Ald'ruhn I had no idea what was happening- I didn't expect to be attacked from the air.
The second encounter I was more ready for...

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:54 am
by dragon wench
@ Rav, lol yes! I recall my *very first* encounter with those damn things, I had to reload
I had another gratifying moment yesterday. In the Bloodmoon expansion during the main quest (spoiler!) >>
you have the option of helping a character defeat a group of dire frost atronachs. In my case, the NPC kept dying, and even though it wasn't essential I really wanted him to remain alive. I finally resorted to making a ring that healed 50 points for 5 seconds on touch, and after every atronach I stopped and replenished any possible HP. At the end, when we had successfully completed the mission, it felt quite rewarding for some reason

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 11:41 am
by watsaguy2do
lol i remember my first cliff racer.. *sigh* after using about 10 cheap restore health potions i triumphed... i can still remember the feeling of acomplishment!
Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:05 pm
by moltovir
With the scripted spells mod you can transform yourself into a plethora of creatures, so I made myself a Cliff Racer and started harassing travelers

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:50 pm
by Luis Antonio
I've made a ring, cheesy ring that fires huge blooms of poison on people, and a weakness to poison spell atached to the bloom. What happens is that when being beaten by all the thieves guild while killing Big Helende (fighters guild evil quest) I've noticed that I'd die soon. I just picked up the ring and bloom bloom bloom (three charges). No one left, not even the dremora that a mage summoned, except for the summoning mage. After that the mage went down pretty quick. It was gratifying cause I could feel the power into being cheesy

Makes me remember a lot of UU's cheeseguide. Do this, that, then this, you'll rule