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Maybe a tec. problem

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:59 am
by Old-droid
At the moment, I'm on Korriban. My 2nd planet after Nar Shadaar. I'm in the Secret Tomb & have made it to the final exit. Here lies the problem. In the walk thru, it says just leave thru the east door back to the Shyrack caves,, well,, all the doors are locked. I've run from way up the top end to try the entrance again to back down, and all 3 back exit doors are still locked with no way to open. What on earth am I missing ? I went thru too much crap to get here, so I don't want to re-load outside the tomb and forget going in.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:37 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I had this problem as well. Does the dark jedi pop up in the middle of the room? Did Revan fade away, or did he stay for a while then pop out of existence? Are you able to get into the crypt? Is your mouse not working?

This has happened before. If you have a previous save point in the tomb, then use it. you shuld make one in between wach of the events. Its probably the best thing to do.

This is a bug that pops up frequently. I know that its been discussed here. We found that you had to start over. Although there were many possible solutions, that is the only one that worked. Sorry for the inconvienience.

You will know that you can escape when you hear Kreia after you defeat Revan, or, sometimes, another bug, after you open the tomb door. If this is not happening, try all the doors. That is a sign that you need to restart.

This game is somewhat buggy. Since I havent seen you post before, you must be a lucky one. My first time through I had to end the game early because on Telos, the door closed to the exchange office before I could get it. A truly frusterating experience.

Doesnt look like youll have any more problems. Most of the bugs appear on the same planets...for me, Korriban in peticular, had the worst one. You should probably quicksave every 15 minutes or so, by pressing F4, I think. Always works. you never know when the next bug pops up...

And, since this bug and another seem to go hand in hand, Ill warn you about another. sometimes in the game, you will come to the invisible door. This is when you try to go through an open door and cant get through. Just back up, and try again. Dont try to force your way through, that does not work. Also, do not run and then hit the pause screen, or, more usually, the save screen. Your charcter will run into the nearest object, no matter how far away, when you resume gameplay. Once or twice, it was incredibly annoying, although easily predictable and I was able to get through situations fine, so its more of a hinderance.

If you geta ny other questions, dont hesitate to ask. Weve all been through the bugs, which usually ends in either reintall or go back a save point, or in game advice in general. :D

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:02 am
by Old-droid
Thank-you for such wise advice

My son gave me my first PC game ever, this year, with KOTOR 1. He's been a Starwars fanatic since the 1970's, but doesn't play games. He's a collector, and he's spawned a monster. I saved right after the fight so I can't remember the chain of events that you described, but I even put the loot from the crypt, back, in case I wasn't supposed to collect it. Sounds dumb now, but I'd tried everything else. At least I know now that I should save on a new space each time, not the same one. I thought I'd over-load the screen. Living and learning isn't just for teens. I'm going to fly my speedy craft back there when I finish on Dxun and Onderon and give-um hell. Thank-you once again for you're sage wisdom. Janet

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:55 am
by Hill-Shatar
Your welcome Janet.

I recomend that you quicksave every ten to fifteen minutes, and have another one that you save about every hour in, for the larger situations. Maybe save in the same slot after each planet is finsihed. I mostly did that in the first one for fear of attacking fighters, but it had other uses too. :D

Actually, putting it back was not so dumb. There were several tims in the first KotOR games that you had to put things back. ;)

If you put the loot back, than that means you got the minor bug. Some of us had Dark Jedi, stabd there and stare at us, and they were blocking the way to the coffin.

In the tomb, make a series of saves. One after each major event (the malak scene, kreia, malachor, and before Revan).

Also since this is aleady somewhat full of spoilers...

there is a bug that works in your favour. Highlight beside to read--- The Hssiss in the tomb with the jedi and his journal? Name started with N. Every single time you click on the corpse after you defeat the last 2 Hssiss, another 2 will pop up. this works indefinitely and gives you a definite edge in the battles ahead. Save after your finished though. dont want 60 minutes or 30 minutes of work to go down the drain. ;)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:13 pm
by mickigreen
SPOILERS..and yet another Korriban bug?

Hello all...

I've been checking in here regualrly for tips, and - more often than I like to admit - bug advice. So far I've found answers to everything, except this one.


I'm on Korriban for the second time and I'm just completely stuck. Found the dead Jedi, killed everything, looted and cleaned the whole place out, but now that sleeps-with-vibroblades creep won't show his face. Door's locked, we're stuck running around in circles and no dark Jedi lord can be found anywhere. I had saved at the entrance, so Iwent back and did it again - twice. No Darth Sion. He was there when I went in, but he seems to have changed his mind and decided to leave me locked in rather than fight. I reloaded a save from the previous planet and started fresh, no luck.

First time I played, I blundered through without the walkthrough, and had no problems at this point. Does anyone know if there is some tiny silly trigger I might have missed? I really do NOTwant to start over again - that gets really old after the third time.

Any advice much appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:16 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I'm not sure, can you tell me what your journal says? Is Darth Sion currently standing in that room. You said locked...whats locked? :confused:

It might be that you just missed something and your journal will fill you in. If not, well, try to reload from the previous save point. If this doesnt work, try an even earlier save point.

If that doesnt work, come back here and post. Good luck. :)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:39 am
by mickigreen
[QUOTE=hill1]I'm not sure, can you tell me what your journal says? Is Darth Sion currently standing in that room. You said locked...whats locked? :confused: [/QUOTE]

The latest entry in the journal says we have found the missing jedi - dead.
The door to the valley is locked, and Darth Sion is nowhere to be found. Last time I went through, the door was only open after fighting him.

[QUOTE=hill1]It might be that you just missed something and your journal will fill you in. If not, well, try to reload from the previous save point. If this doesnt work, try an even earlier save point.

If that doesnt work, come back here and post. Good luck. :) [/QUOTE]

I've combed this area over and over again, and I did reload from a save several times, even went back and did the previous planet again, with the same results.
I thought the trigger for Sion to appear was finding the dead jedi, at least that's what the walkthrough suggests.

It has to be a bug - maybe related to the order you do the planets in..

I'm curious if anyone else has hit this problem...

Thanks :)

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 5:53 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Micki, there was a console in the room that involved using Vashs passcode from a data device you find on her body, to enter the valley. It is once you hit and activate this program that you will find Sion in the main chamber when you go there. I think your problem is that you got ahead of yourself.

If that doesnt work, maybe you missed something in the previous rooms, like the one you needed Thorium mines to open.

Try that, and then come back here if it doesn't work. Best of luck, micki. :D

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 5:09 am
by mickigreen
Hey again-

Thanks for answering. I honestly don't know what the deal was. I updated the software and went back to wherever I was before.

Completed the game twice now, and I still think the ending is weak. *sigh*

Thanks again. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 11:14 am
by Hill-Shatar
Good Job, Micki.

Hope to continue seeing you around here. :D The game seems to have many errors, but it was worth it.

Maybe we should change this threads name to Korriban Bug Q&A. Enjoy your time with you game! :)