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help, where did my Mesh files go?!

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:11 pm
by asurademon
I just loaded Morrowind into my new computer, and my mesh files (the ones that come with the game), have mysteriously vanished, they were there, and now they simply are gone. I didn't have this problem with my old computer, and I know they are there, the mesh files folder (the one that you'll find in the Morrowind data files folder) says it's empty, but when I search for files, the files show up in the search. This is really annoying as I would like to be able to use those mesh files in the elder scrolls construction set, but because my mesh files have somehow turned invisible, I cannot access them (though strangely the game itself is running fine, I just can't do a whole lot with the construction set). I am running windows XP, and I know the problem isn't that they are hidden files or something, as I have my computer set to show all hidden files anyhow. This is driving me nuts.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:32 pm
by Rookierookie
Maybe reinstall?

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:39 am
by moltovir
Morrowind doesnt copy any mesh files to your Data Files\Meshes folder. That folder is only used for meshes added by mods. You'll find the original morrowind meshes on the CDrom, in a folder also named Data Files\Meshes. That's why your search found them, your morrowind cd was likely in the cd drive.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:26 pm
by asurademon
that's odd, because originally they were showing up as being on my computer's hard drive (not the CD, though I'm sure they haven't magically vanished from there as well), now they aren't showing up at all any more. Maybe that's why I was getting some errors too as I was trying to load the game, once I reinstalled it a few times those errors went away. Weird but I think it was just the game wasn't being installed correctly for some reason.