help, where did my Mesh files go?!
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 8:11 pm
I just loaded Morrowind into my new computer, and my mesh files (the ones that come with the game), have mysteriously vanished, they were there, and now they simply are gone. I didn't have this problem with my old computer, and I know they are there, the mesh files folder (the one that you'll find in the Morrowind data files folder) says it's empty, but when I search for files, the files show up in the search. This is really annoying as I would like to be able to use those mesh files in the elder scrolls construction set, but because my mesh files have somehow turned invisible, I cannot access them (though strangely the game itself is running fine, I just can't do a whole lot with the construction set). I am running windows XP, and I know the problem isn't that they are hidden files or something, as I have my computer set to show all hidden files anyhow. This is driving me nuts.