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Even a master thief needs help!

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 3:00 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
There's a quest you get from someone in the St. Olms Canton in Vivec: you need to investigate the East Empire Company to find out who sets the prices of certain items. She tells you that the Khajiit may have something to do with it, and my guess it had something to do with that letter I delivered for the Dunmer guy beside the Duke. Am I right, or am I completely off?

I'm thinking the letter I delivered is behind that locked door right beside the Khajiit, or in the chest right above his head. Problem is, Mr. Khajiit is standing right beside me, and the company guard and the lizardman are peering over from across the room. My sneak skill is pretty good, and I've enhanced myself with invisibility, but I still get caught whenever I try to unlock either the door or the chest.

Can someone point me in the right direction if I'm off? Or tell me any helpful hints to conceal myself even more? TIA. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:03 pm
by Rookierookie
IIRC you got the general idea right. You might want to look in the Grand Council Chambers too, I forgot which place you were supposed to look for proof. As for the ARE supposed to be a master thief :D

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 12:53 am
by Coot
Try casting chameleon instead of invisibility. Also, at the risk of being obvious, start sneaking out of everybody's sight, then tip-toe to the door. Also, removing footwear will have a small positive effect.

Cheese: sneak up to someone, at the other side of where you need to be (meaning if there's a chest and an Ordinator is watching the chest, sneak up on his backside. Save and quit. Reload. The Ordinator will now turn around to talk to you, so now his back is turned towards the chest, making your job a little easier.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:04 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
[QUOTE=Coot]Try casting chameleon instead of invisibility. Also, at the risk of being obvious, start sneaking out of everybody's sight, then tip-toe to the door. Also, removing footwear will have a small positive effect.

Cheese: sneak up to someone, at the other side of where you need to be (meaning if there's a chest and an Ordinator is watching the chest, sneak up on his backside. Save and quit. Reload. The Ordinator will now turn around to talk to you, so now his back is turned towards the chest, making your job a little easier.[/QUOTE]
Thanks. :)
Do you know where I could get a potion of chameleon? I have a ring, but it only gives me a few points.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:07 pm
by Ravager
There is an amulet that provides 80% chameleon (I think it's 80%) available outside of Gnisis.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:09 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
:eek: Gnisis?
*mutters about cliff racers*
:p Thanks.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:24 pm
by Greg.

If you can see the chest, but be out of sight of the guards, you could try an 'open' on target spell, followed by telekinesis.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:39 pm
by Oscuro_Sol
Tried that. I think I'll just blow some cash upgrading my sneak. I'm only a semi-master thief. :p

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:37 am
by Coot
[QUOTE=Ravager]There is an amulet that provides 80% chameleon (I think it's 80%) available outside of Gnisis.[/QUOTE]Nearby Gnisis, yes. Outside Ald Velothi is a small pond and a lady standing next to it. Talk to the lady. Tip:bring a spell or potion of night-eye.
Warning: It's a real cheesy ring.