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Help with Fatigue!

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:31 am
by abaddon18
I know this will sound extremely stupid, but this has been in my head for quite a while now:
I just got Morrowind: Game of the Year Edition and my expectations were as high as they could be after reading various reviews and comments.
The world and the game itself are extraordinary, but I feel that the walking/running speed it too slow and that my Fatigue drops too quickly which in turn provokes me to stop every now and then in order to recover it.
I have been checking the forum for mods or alternatives to solve the issue but I am sorry to say that I have come up with none (except probably changing my Athletics stats, although I´d rather not touch that). So, the question is:
May I ask any kind member to tell me if there is a mod/plugin to solve the issue of slow walking/running?

Thank you very much in advance.


Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:57 am
by Minerva
You know, to increase your speed, whether running or walking, relates to your levels. Your speed will increase if you use the speed based skills a lot and give the attribution scores when you level up.

In other words, if you want to increase your speed, you need to level up, just like any other skills.

For the temporary measure, you can use;

-potion to restore your fatigue
-spells to restore your fatigue
-potion to fortify your speed/fatigue
-spells to fortify your speed /fatigue

Or, you can use enchanted equipment to fortify your speed/fatigue.
The best is to use the constant effect.

I do not recommend over use the constant effect fortification, or mods, at early level, though. It makes game too easy and you will get bored with the game really fast.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:00 am
by Lonelypilgrim
The Easiest way still is to increase your athletic skill and speed.You can try and travel as lightly as possible,then you will run faster.
For the fatique,make a couple of potions to refill your fatigue in combat.Drink them before the battle and you will have it full.

You really shouldn`t use mods like this,spoil the game,but your choise to make.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:02 am
by ch85us2001
Hello and welcome to Gamebanshee. I encourage you to come spam in the Spam Factory in the Speak Your Mind forum.

OK all salutations aside. I play on xbox now (since my computers drive is ABSOLUTELY toast :D :rolleyes: ) but I know your options here

A~cheatercheaterpumpkineater method~ use the console to raise either
1 speed and endurance
2 athletics skill

B~hard work method~ just keep leveling up. The game will get faster

C~mages method~ Enchant something with fortify speed and endurance

D~mod method~ search morrowind summit (see morrowind yellow pages sticky at top of page for link)

E~self help method~ use the tes3 cronstuction set to make a mod

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:01 am
by Coot
There are indeed some mods at Morrowind Summit that will, each in their own way, improve your speed. They're all in the cheat category though.
I had another thought: if you would like to use mods, why not download the Pegas Ranch mod here? It's not exactly what you asked for but it does allow fast movement in an entertaining way.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:43 pm
by Nerevar Reborn

You Do know that u dont really need fatigue to run like i run all the time without fatigue .Have u tried decreasing the amount of stuff in your inventory i mean if u carry to much u might want to get like some faether or fort strenght spells or potions( Just a thought) :) :)

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:30 am
by Rookierookie
Just keep running. Fatigue only affects your ability to hit an enemy and your chance of casting a spell.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 8:31 am
by Luis Antonio
[QUOTE=Rookierookie]Just keep running. Fatigue only affects your ability to hit an enemy and your chance of casting a spell.[/QUOTE]

In fact if you're hit melee you have a very higher chance of falling down. And if the oponent is melee bare fisting, you may only be hurt when youre on the ground.