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Energy Drain

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2000 7:37 pm
by Therion_the_Dwarf
How do I get rid of it from my charaters? Image

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2000 7:45 pm
by Andro
Originally posted by Therion_the_Dwarf:
How do I get rid of it from my charaters? Image
Sometimes if you wait long enough, the characters restore energy on their own. If you are in a hurry, you can use a restorations spell. Those can be purchased at various temples in Athkatla and Trademeet.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2000 8:46 pm
by Jurosementalistile
Or you can simply purchase the restoration as a service (at a temple), like healing and raise dead. Priest characters can learn the restoration spells at higher levels.
Also, as someone else pointed out in another post, if you kill a character when they are brought back the level drain will be gone. This could occasionally be conveniant.