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Twisted Rune...Easy or?
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:12 am
by mattegeniet
I've got one question. When u guys do Twisted Rune, which level are u? I'm currently soloing SoA with an Undead Hunter, he's level 24 and got the usual stuff, Holy avenger and ring of gaxx and so forth. This was my first try ever on the Twisted Rune, read about it a lot and decieded to try it (used to play a lot before but have had a break now for a couple of years, and back then i hadn't found Twisted Rune). Prepared for the big fight, summoned a Deva and a Skeleton Warrior and buffed a bit, not to much, just wanted to see how the fight was first. Entered the room, and the lich started talking. I were nervous as hell when the others joined him for their attack. And was over! i mean, i took nearly no damage and killed all in a blink... Where i to high in level for the fight? should i've done it a bit earlier, like level 16-20? Opinions please
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:36 am
by dj_venom
Well basically, there's stacks of different ways to fight the guys. Such as, trapping the area and then having it all explode and saving you fighting. Or killing the lich, and then killing the rest one by one. Or casting similarcum (sp) and taking advantage of that etc.
However those are all cheese ways.
Talking real fighting, it depends on your party, and more importantly, how effective you are with them. If you can fight those monsters already, well then you shouldn't have too many worries. If those monsters are tough when versing solo, then maybe you aren't the right level.
I can't remember what level I was when I did it, however I do remember the battle. It was a glorious battle which will be remembered for ever. Everyone played their part, and it went for several minutes, and it was worth it. However for you it sounds as if it was too easy, so maybe you might want to redo it on a harder difficulty, because it really is a fun fight.
So in answer to your question, I can't remember the level, but whether you are ready to fight is dependent on how well you can deal with those monsters.
Note: I was defintely lower than 20, as I didn't have HLA. Also, I did it before leaving, so I would probably have been about level 15 if I guess correctly.
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 5:58 am
by mattegeniet
Well, i didn't use cheese, just brute force+a spell, don't recall the name but it gives u higher strength,dext and const, protection from evil, and i killed the lich then i probably were at a to high level
. I'll have to try it next time at a lower level then, perhaps with a party to get the right feeling
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:08 am
by F-man
Or maybe you should install tactics mod with Improvised Twisted Rune. That makes battle little more interesting.
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:12 am
by Berethor
I was embarrassed at how easy that vogenethe lich was in amkethran. ra ring of the ram for 20 dmg, a wack from minsc and a wack from keldy and he was dead. then i just walked around with aerie and used turn undead and wiped his minions out, especially the annoying banshees
i was thinking about soloing an undead hunter myself but i just cant work up the heart to just dump any of my party do you do it, and how did you kill hangaax by yourself
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:04 am
by Deadalready
Truth be told, I just use a protection from magic scroll for fighting the Rune, it would fit into the cheese tactics I guess.
As a soloer I tend to take on the Rune whenever I'm bored or the next quest is too tedious without the Staff of Magi. Though I have ruined my games by doing the Rune straight out of the dungeon...
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:13 am
by Luis Antonio
For me, it seems that fighting the rune with a party is harder due to the vampire - lich - beholder combo. They dont use a specific target, and every now and then a party member/romance is petrified, dire charmed, fingered or imprisioned. In a Solo game, a scroll can save you from all that. (if you're quick enough, of course).
I've soloed them with a bard. Of course, it was not easy, but I had a harder time killing them with an evil party (without Keldorn's wondrous dispell). Of course I ended up winning, but it is very hard to protect everyone.
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 11:27 am
by greg28j
I fought them while my group was lvl 9-12.My strategy was simple,I didn't rush in and engage all the enemies at once. I stayed in the entry way and i cast dominate on the fighter guy with no armor.My main char. was lvl 12 berserker with celestial fury and flail of ages.Maybe I got a few lucky rolls as well.
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:00 pm
by Berethor
there are a lot of liches in the game...which one is the twisted rune i forget.
i cant get the robe of vecna, staff of the magi, or the helm of simmy because I dont have deidre...
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:10 pm
by Luis Antonio
Berethor, go to the Baldur's gate session of the main GB page and download the extra merchants mod. Also, the staff of magi is not from deidre. And to get to the twisted rune I'd say you should check out the walkthrough
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:36 am
by Berethor
If you mean bonus merchants, I may already have it, I also got this valen one where that vampire chick will join your party
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:54 pm
by FireLighter
Many people get something wrong about the twisted rune. You cant use just ANY rogue stone, there is a certain one you need. Im not sure where it is, but you will know you have it because it says look for me in the bridge district for its description and cannot be sold. It is found during your questing of the game, and during my adventuring I try to sell my extra rogue stones and find that I have picked it up along the way without knowing it.
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:08 pm
by Ravager
I've never had any problems with rogue stones for that door. Though it may not work properly if the gem is in a container.
The gem I used was probably in Mae'var's Guildhouse.
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:09 pm
by dragon wench
[QUOTE=FireLighter]Many people get something wrong about the twisted rune. You cant use just ANY rogue stone, there is a certain one you need. Im not sure where it is, but you will know you have it because it says look for me in the bridge district for its description and cannot be sold. It is found during your questing of the game, and during my adventuring I try to sell my extra rogue stones and find that I have picked it up along the way without knowing it.[/QUOTE]
Unless one of my mods is dictating some kind of change, you get it off of one of the guys you have to fight in the upstairs area of the Guarded Compound, in the Temple District.
But Rav is right, any runestone should work... Though.. the above fight is certainly worth it for other rewards...
Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:16 pm
by Ravager
I believe the two fights are linked together, with a guard that has a note (in the Sea's Bounty) that can lead you to the Slaver Compound (and from there presumably to the Twisted Rune), but I've never experienced that personally and I don't remember a rogue stone from the Compound either. Though considering the other rewards on that floor it doesn't really surprise me