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Help on Carth's side quest (possible spoilers in responses)

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2005 6:44 pm
by SonOfUncleSam
OK, I just took a peak at who had a side quest, since I'm starting to discover them in the game. I'm on my first planet Korriban, and I'm ready to get to the star map, and I've double-double-double crossed the sith. If I beat this level, will Carth's side quest be deactivated? Somewhere I read if you enter Uthar's room it's deactivaed. Can anyone help me figure out what not to do, or how far back I have to find a saved game. Btw, I found the stow away if that matters.

What do I have to do?

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:39 am
by cwineman
If you end the Sith missions hostile to the academy, the entrance to the academy will be locked when you leave. So, I suppose you wouldn't be able to finish the quest.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:03 pm
by KyLewin
Most likely, Yes. If you beat the planet and head back into the Sith Academy you will probably lose Carth's sidequest (or at least not be able to finish it). There is a way to have the members of the academy not all want to kill you when you come back from getting the Star Map, but if you go lightside, chances are you'll have a big fight on your hands and the academy will be empty by the time you're done.
I would suggest leaving and doing another planet or two and then come back. By that time Carth will have opened up and you should run into someone who tells you that his son has joined the Sith. After that go back to Korriban, talk to Dustil and finish his little quest, then go do what you need to do to get the Star Map.
Be sure Dustil's quest is completely finished and he's left the academy before you get the map (especially if you kill Uthar and either kill or turn Yuthura) or you'll basically have to kill him... Carth tends not to appreciate that.

By the way, the stowaway girl doesn't matter for any quest except her own, just make sure (if you want to, that is) have her safely returned to the people looking for her before you get your third star map... if you don't she'll be stuck on the ship.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:00 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Off topic note.

The girl disapears after a while.

Back on topic.

I agree with the above, it does dissapear.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:48 pm
by KyLewin
Really? Sasha (or whatever her name is) disappears? Well, that's news to me. I guess I've always just done the silly learning her language thing and then taken her back to Dantooine... huh, I wonder where she goes. Back into the air ducts and what not no doubt.

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 11:58 pm
by Hill-Shatar
The following is a spoiler from Gambeanshees walkthough. CLick on the link to view about Sashas quest. ... onhawk.php

The following is a spoiler link to the Korriban Academy.Carth's son is #7. Have a look. ... cademy.php

Hope this helps. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:47 am
by 1nickolas
(spoiler) I've got a bit of a problem myself with this quest. I missed the entire double cross scenario and I decided to kill both of the bastards after I got the poison sword, so now I'm stuck fighting off the entire academy. I have no problem with that, I enjoyed taking care of that smart-mouth blonde female sith, but Dustil is hostile! :( What's worse, after Carth himself kills him, he doesn't even acknowledge that it happened. He keeps saying he wants to find something to prove to his son the Sith are evil. This is a glitch or is he just in extreme denial? I got enough light side points, so whatever... but I don't wanna leave a quest stuck in a loop if I can avoid it.