[QUOTE=Trish Watts]Anyone know of another game like Vampire Bloodlines?
I love it so much and would like to play something similar
after this.Trish
That is a very thematic question. Do you want another vampire game, or something that plays similarly? There seems to be a lot of controversy along those lines. However, I have developed a number of rather significant biases, so I thought I would share some of my most impressive obsessions. You might want to hunt up the trailers on some of these:
Morrowind (Mentioned in other threads. Lengthy, but impressive. Get both expansion packs, and I understand there is a Next Version Coming Soon)
Deus Ex
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (yeah, Yet Another Star Wars Game)
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (WWII based and highly creepy)
Max Payne (Atmospheric and kind of 70's mystery novel)
No One Lives Forever II ('way 60's and campy as heck, but fun)
By now, all of these should be cheap like borscht, and if your system will play VTMB, it should play all of them without any problem.