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Fixing an Assertion Failed 809

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2005 3:07 am
by Retsudo
I bought the 2CD version and whenever I tried to run the game the "An assertion failed.... 809". After some tweaking with the Torment.ini, I've managed to fix the error, and would like to share the method.
All you have to do is open up Torment.ini (in the directory where you've installed the game).

Under [Alias], I originally had:
HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Plane

Then I changed the lines to:

HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Planescape

[*Note* I installed the game in the folder "Planescape" instead of the one originally intended by the setup.exe (which was like "\Planescape -TM"). I did this because at first I thought the name of the folder was causing the problem, but it wasn't. Also please note that the pre-edited Torment.ini had wrongly placed the installed directory (on the last line). ]

Assuming D: is your CD drive and C: is the HDD where you've installed the game. The last line consists of the location where you've installed the game. Originally, when the game was first installed, the location was incorrectly adressed (i.e. "HD0:=C:\Program Files\Black Isle\Plane") in the Torment.ini, after it was fixed it resolved the assertion failure.

By typing the first 4 lines I fixed the "Unable to detect Disc 2" error, which came after I fixed the assertion failure problem.

Also, by copying the content of CD2 into a folder and change the directory of the first four lines under [Alias] to the new directory, you might be able to play the game without the CD. This is a wild guess, I've never tried it, if anyone tries please let me know the results.

I hope this is able to help someone out there who are having trouble playing the game.