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Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 3:21 pm
by patricia
How do I kill one of these things?
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 12:58 pm
by fernleyranger
You'll probably have to wait until you gain some levels before killing some of them. They also regenerate very fast, so you'll have to continually pound away at them with fire, lighting, etc. A couple of them will even follow you around until you can shake them, but they will return to the general area they came from.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 1:17 pm
by Ravager
IIRC a few of them are a lot tougher than the rest. If you can freeze them (either by weapon or spell) I think that helps, as they seem to regenerate when they hit the drum and a little yellow animation appears.
In the camp I just saved a lot, used hit-and-run tactics and crucially the teleporter stones. Whenever things got too hard I led them on a chase picking up high level treasure and teleporting to saftey
. Doing that and returning may also help as some of the orcs will remain on lower hitpoints.
Heh, I was wondering what a 'wardrummer' was originally, until I think I worked it out. An Orc War Drummer?