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Can not loot/pick up anything.

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Should Atari make mods for this game?

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Can not loot/pick up anything.

Post by pt_banger »

I won the drinking contest, then could not loot the people sleeping. I could not search the goblins body, near the rangers house. I even killed a town guard, and could not get his stuff.

When i place the cursor over a body, it lights up. But when i click on it nothing happens. Please help if you know what is wrong.
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Lord Plothos
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Post by Lord Plothos »

Why, oh why, have you combined this question with a poll about mods?

Anyway, this is the infamous looting bug. It can be solved by adding either of these combinations: official patches 2 and 3; official patch 2 and

Get them here:

atari patch 2

1. Unzip the patch. (Double click the folder you downloaded and choose the extract all files option in the corner of the window (XP))
2. Find the file in you GAME'S directory called "temple.dll" and remove it. (Put it somewhere you can find it again.)
3. Take the "temple.dll" file from the unzipped patch folder and put it where the original file was.
4. Inside the patch folder should be a folder called "data". Inside that folder should be three new folders. Take all of them and put them into the game's "data" folder.
Proud user and advocate of [url=""]MapTool[/url]for all my RPing-at-a-distance.
(Use the lastest 1.3 build - it's still beta, but stable and far better than 1.2)
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