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what different classes are there?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:00 pm
by Kyle09
I've played through fable about 4 times now and something I've noticed is I always end with the spellwarrior class. Only once did I actually get something different (mystic) and that was when I started a file as an archer. I know you gain other classes from using different styles and I wanted to know if anyone here could give me the different classes and how they got them. ex. I think you can get the barbarian title by just using great hammers and axes throughout the game (or something like that)


Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:15 pm
by insane2k02
I get spell warrior all the time
Probably because i use physical shield all the time

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:01 pm
by telemantros
[QUOTE=Kyle09]I've played through fable about 4 times now and something I've noticed is I always end with the spellwarrior class. Only once did I actually get something different (mystic) and that was when I started a file as an archer. I know you gain other classes from using different styles and I wanted to know if anyone here could give me the different classes and how they got them. ex. I think you can get the barbarian title by just using great hammers and axes throughout the game (or something like that)

These are the following classes available in Fable:

Warrior: Pretty simple, just use melee a lot.

Spellwarrior: As a warrior level up spell stats,
use mostly spell and melee.

Barbarian: Use barbaric weapons like the pickaxe.

Fighter: A mix of Skill and strength got me this one.

Infiltrator: Level up Guile, achieved when you receive lockpick.

Assassin: Evil Alignment + Skill and melee = assassin.

Battle Mage: Use a lot of Attack Spells.

Will User: Use Mostly Magic.

Witch Hunter: Use ranged and Spells.

Knight: Level up Physique.

Soldier: Level up Health.

Bounty Hunter: Level up Toughness.

Archer: Level up Accuracy or use mostly ranged.

Rouge: Level up Guile, use melee and ranged.

Mystic: Level up Magic Power.

Thief: Adept at stealing and level up guile.

Scout: Level up Speed, or lots of ranged attacks, with some melee

Apprentice: Don't level up.

Druid: Evil Alignment, evil magic

Slayer: Evil Alignment, Archer and Melee

Runemaster: Good Alignment magic user.

Invoker: Level up physical Spells.

Hunter: Use the bow as a warrior.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:28 pm
by Han_Luke
Infiltrator: Level up Guile, achieved when you receive lockpick.

I don't have lockpick and I read somewhere you get it at Guile = 6. Now I'm Guile = 5 and I'm Famous Infiltrator.
By the way can you change the nickname "Chicken Chaser" without buying tha title? Doesn't the the nickname evolve?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:02 pm
by telemantros
[QUOTE=Han_Luke]I don't have lockpick and I read somewhere you get it at Guile = 6. Now I'm Guile = 5 and I'm Famous Infiltrator.
By the way can you change the nickname "Chicken Chaser" without buying tha title? Doesn't the the nickname evolve?[/QUOTE]

You are atomatical give the name chicken chaser. To change it, buy a new title at the title vendors.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:32 pm
by SyntheticD
I consider myself An Evil Barbarian Mage Becasue I like to use Evil Magic and i like barbarain Weapons mostly Barb Weapons though

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 12:54 pm
by MarkDR
Missing class

i was just checking the forum for the first time and i notices that in the list of classes you forgot"Gladiator", im that class now and bought it before i entered the arena but i dont really know what that means but i think its a full warrior.

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:13 pm
by ch85us2001
I believe (but maybe wrong) that gladiator is a title/name not a class ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:06 pm
by telemantros
Correct, Gladiator is a Title, not a class.