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Level cap remover

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 1:36 pm
by Bloodred
Does annyone know of a good place to find a good level cap remover?? I cant get the one at to work, regardless of how I try to make it run.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:24 pm
by Lord Plothos
First off, what patches are you running? If you're running patch 3 to deal with the looting bug, you're not likely to find many fan-made things working right. That's because they're all coded for patch 2 and instead. also includes the level uncapper inside it, so if you're running that, you've already got the cap off. If you aren't, you should be.

That's my advice anyway.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:58 pm
by Bloodred
Ahh see I didnt get
I already patched with the third patch, oh well!!

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:40 pm
by Lord Plothos
It'll only take a few minutes to uninstall and reinstall with the other patch setup. It's really worth it, IMO. If all you change is instead of patch 3, your saved games should still work fine. Just copy the save folder elsewhere before uninstalling and replace it once the new install is in place.

PS: Hooray for Zhou Tai!

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 3:10 am
by Bloodred
Hahaha :)
I already decided, sience this is my first play through, I'll just play it this way. But once im done, I'll make an IronMan game with the and all that goodness.
So I have another question:
Could you make a list of patches/mods you would suggest to make the game more awsomely funner then it already is?? And a link to where I can download them if you could be so kind mr moderater man.

Tha'd be awsome!!


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:52 am
by Lord Plothos
Well, the most stable as-designed setup is just patch 2 +

After that, it depends on the bells and whistles you want. I've added Drifter's "Humble NPC patch" to my 2+temple setup, and it works really well (removes the very annoying aspects of NPCs, but is a bit like cheating if you don't keep yourself honest).

Most people (especially those who find the game too easy because of poor AI) find Livonya's mod to be very good. It's improved the quests immensely by adding new interesting ones that are real head-scratchers, and has made the game much harder by improving the AI of spellcasters and such (they now actually use their spells).

There's also the co8 mod, which adds many weapons like the katana and such, and gives Brother Smyth masterwork items and the like. Mostly small convenience and variety/power-gamer stuff. Shining Ted and Allyx have also done a lot of tweaking.

Basically, it's just too much to list all the combos and such. I suggest you check out the many threads on the various mods over at, which is kinda like Temple modders headquarters. There, depending on which patches you want to run, you can find info/advice on what the best install-pattern is going to be.


Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:57 pm
by Bloodred
Sweet, thanks.