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How To Get Skorms Bow!The right way.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:54 am
by Smokey007
There are alot of methods out there on how to get Skorms Bow but alot of them are crap. I would know because of trying about all of them until i finally found one that always works!! and i get around 1000 evil points and skorms bow everytime. Heres how:

1. Get 2 mercenaries(People say to get "good" ones but I dont think this apply's, I have done it with the mercenary in the bandit camp. I dont no if regular people work but i have never tried)

2.Got to the Chapel of Skorm (SAVE) always save! if you screw up then your not screwed for the rest of the game.

3.Wait around until 12:00 AM(thats when the clock hand is pointing in the middle of the night, or in other words when the line seperating night and day is perfectly horizontal,lol and if you dont know what horizontal is thats a line like this -)(Also to know when its exactly 12 am, the mercenaries will take their pay)

4.Sacrafice Your 2 Mercenaries
-The first one should give you around 1000 evil pointsand the second should get you the bow.

*Have fun with the best bow in the game that looks crazy ass sweet!* :D

(If you are having trouble or have more questions just post beneath this.)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:11 pm
by Demortis
you dont need two of them, i have done it with only one merc

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:05 am
by Draems
It is better to take two.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:14 am
by cmister
Maybe I got lucky today, but I took 2 mercenaries (both were the evil ones), and when I got to the temple I saved it.
I went to sacrifice one just to test it out (since it was around 3, maybe 4 am), and 1st guy I sacrificed I got the bow.

I was 100% good too.

Maybe just a fluke, but I was happy to get the bow my 1st try with my current character. 1st try and I wasn't even really trying :P

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 2:49 am
by SyntheticD
i took 11 villagers and 2 mercs just for heck of it and i got it on 2 villagers

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 7:08 am
by Hermansen
100% good, and finished the game, I just thought I would give it a try, since it seems some people have had trouble getting this.
So I took "Bjarne" the merc from Oakvale and sacrificed him a bit later than midnight. Got the bow and ca. 950 evil points on the first try.

I wonder if any of the game developers are Norwegian, calling the merc Bjarne seems a bit too strange to be a coincidence...

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:14 pm
by danfal89
hey about being good

if ur good the reason you got it is because it is easier to get it when you are good if you are evil you almost have to do it at midnight and save before it in case it doesnt work

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:48 pm
by Baphomet
i found that the easiest way to get the bow is on the trader quest, this may not work i only did it ounce. On the trader quest when you have to take two traders to barrow feilds, make sure they both live to the chapel of skorm, then sacfice one of them and you shoudl get the bow if you are neutral or good worked for me atleast

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 4:36 am
by alildevil
kinda easy

Well my character is purely good, all i did was take one person there, (the temple merc) , stood there and waited till 3am, not midnight, but until I had about 1/4 of the dark showing on timer, then sacrificed him and got bow, first shot.