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Lil' help would be apreciated
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:23 pm
by Phreddie
ive herd talk of an invisible man o the banks of the river running past gnisis. hes apparently has a nice amulet that gives good chameleon, ive searched up and down the banks of gnisis on both sides and have only found a dude in the water with no pants does he really exist? if so, where specifically is he (i.e. between witch to buildings is he just outside of town or what...)
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:28 pm
by Ravager
On the main path north of Gnisis, there's someone who wants you to retreive something from the water, once you've done that you'll be attacked (one of the attackers carries the amulet).
It's the path to Ald Velothi I think, whatever little outpost that is in that general direction.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:32 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Phreddie]ive herd talk of an invisible man o the banks of the river running past gnisis. hes apparently has a nice amulet that gives good chameleon, ive searched up and down the banks of gnisis on both sides and have only found a dude in the water with no pants does he really exist? if so, where specifically is he (i.e. between witch to buildings is he just outside of town or what...)[/QUOTE]
Yes he does far as finding him maybe tricky. He is not in town nor just out side, but more a distance away from town. You could try heading from Gnisis and walking on the bridges that connect the hills to each other after a few get off and you should be heading in a north east direction....*note, try not to stray to far from Gnisis itself*when you see a small pond with huge rocks and a woman walking around you'll know its the right place the man should be standing next to a tree by the pond *hes invisible(chameleon 80%)so look hard* Just kill him for it...dont do the wont be penalized or anything....if the woman chases you use the amulet and run away....
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:00 pm
by Phreddie
yeah ive seen the man he n his lil woman killed me once so i remember the spot, i ltr went back when i was stgronger and had a spell that did 100 fire forst n schock damage in 50 ft. and obliterated all trace of their existence.... ne who ne1 remember what that ring does?
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:15 am
by Phreddie
More help
Ive serched mages guild places high n low does ne1 know where i can get an unlock spell mag 100? ima mage thief and i realy want to go and pillage some vaults but i didnt invest in security (if i could open dors by magic why should i?) i dont want to have to make one cuz im not that rich...
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:30 am
by Raven_Song
I think you have to get the spell made, any mage with the spellmaking ability will do it.
Once you have Ondusi's open Door in your spell book the option should be open to you.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:36 am
by Phreddie
i could amke it if i had the gold, im trying not to cheat like i did last game so i die ez and no way of exploring ruins for plunder (and with a strength of 43 i couldnt cary it so i need to plunder form towns and most goodies are locked tighter than i can unlock) so i dont have gold for it, i could have sworn i had bought it in an old fiel though... meh
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:05 am
by slade
[QUOTE=Phreddie]i could amke it if i had the gold, im trying not to cheat like i did last game so i die ez and no way of exploring ruins for plunder (and with a strength of 43 i couldnt cary it so i need to plunder form towns and most goodies are locked tighter than i can unlock) so i dont have gold for it, i could have sworn i had bought it in an old fiel though... meh[/QUOTE]
There is a way to get money...the 100 lock opener...if you have the Amulet of Shadows,a scroll that opens 60 locks, and a Divine intervention scroll...that amulet would be the amulet the invisible guy has....if you have it great. If not you need an invisiblity spell and some luck at sneaking. OK here goes you need money at least 30000. No problem..though....go to Vivec and find as much Ordinator armor as it somewhere for safe keep....if your really good at killing cliffbirds*forgot what they are called * then a better solution is to go to Ghost gate(take a silt ride from Balmora to Ald'* the place with sand storms*then from there travel east until you start to see the barrier/wall follow it down south east until you reach Ghost gate now enter the ghost gate of dawn*the left side of Ghost gate* and go to the lower lever find a room that is locked and open it with the spell scroll that opens doors with 60*must be invisible for this to work*go through the doors and find some glass weapons I recommend taking these since they weigh less and use a divine intervention scroll. Now from where you landed go to a silt rider and head to Suran. From Suran head south until you reach a Dreumer Ruin* starts with an M..on you map that comes with game*when you reach this look for an island with a mud crab....DONT KILL IT!!! talk to it and it will buy your weapons from you for up to 10000 gold..sell your weapons.Head back to Balmora and enter the Mages guild, go all the way up stairs and steal the Greater soul gem on the desk without being seen. Now find a Exquiste Amulet or ring any where you can*usually in a nobles house* now go to a different mages guild and go the enchanter and bribe him until a 100% then enchant item for 100 on to target...NOT TOUCH!!. Now you have a ring/amulet with 100 open lock and some money.Hope that helped
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 1:47 pm
by Phreddie
meh no wasting exquisite rings i alredy got the spell but i c=never can find mudcrab creeper works for me i jsut buy stff back till he has the required amount of gold and take ten days out of my life to reseel the rebought stuff and voila i have about 50k now
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:10 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Phreddie]meh no wasting exquisite rings i alredy got the spell but i c=never can find mudcrab creeper works for me i jsut buy stff back till he has the required amount of gold and take ten days out of my life to reseel the rebought stuff and voila i have about 50k now[/QUOTE]
50,000 is not a lot for ten could get 100000 in ten days and not spend a penny...just loot the Ghost gate...go to the fighters guild I think in Balmora or Ald' and go in to the door with 80 lock on it find glass armor to sell or keep....I have about 400k..*SPOILER ALERT*...once you get high armor and the Chyrmar(spelled it wrong..which you get doing the last quests of the imperial legion)
you can go to mournhold and fight the high ordinators their armor is worth a if your in the theives guild you can remove the bounty...
Mudcrab is east of the Druemer ruins on an island
/ruins \ X mudcrab
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:21 pm
by Phreddie
Well, i would have more money but im too lazy and i just have enough for hwa ti need , and i woulld go to mournhold, but im on xbox n dont have goty (i will taek donations
