Mods I've enjoyed so far, but not necessarily completed... Possibly some spoilers below as I've just copied th blurb that comes with them
Alora Happy happy joy joy
Level 9 (When you meet her)
STR 12 DEX 19 CON 12 INT 14 WIS 7 CHR 15 (not overpowered)
Chaotic Good
Swashbuckler thief class
Quest (to be added later)
She will have at least 2 banters with all members of the party more on some others. She will have many interjections also. So far inerjections have tended to be thief related, just try having her talk to Ribald
Nathaniel - Nathaniel is a young man whose life was disrupted by the events that unfolded in Baldur's Gate. A former Flaming Fist officer, Nathaniel was deeply shaken by the takeover of the guards by Sarevok's lackey and made the decision to leave the city. He can be found in the Docks looking for a friend of his, and the right man will be able to gain his trust and, eventually, love. The mod also features an extensive friendship track, allowing Nathaniel's character and attachment to the Bhaalspawn to develop if he or she is ineligible for the romance. Be warned: as a former law-enforcer, Nathaniel has deeply-held, rigid views on lawbreaking and will not completely trust a thief no matter his or her alignment. He will not tolerate criminal activity without good reason.
Race: Human Class: Kensai Alignment: Lawful Good
Strength: 16 Dexterity: 17 Constitution: 13
Intelligence: 11 Wisdom: 9 Charisma: 14
The Nathaniel Mod contains:
Over 5000 lines of new dialogue and more than 400 original voice clips
Over 150 comments on Charname's activities in Amn
Original items, some of which are more useful than others
At least four banters with each of the Bioware NPCs, with the exception of Korgan who has three
A Nathaniel-specific quest
Four non-joinable NPCs, three of whom have original voicing
A romance track for male humans, half-elves or elves of Good or Lawful Neutral alignment containing:
-27 Charname-Nathaniel banters
-Extensive flirts, changing significantly throughout the talks rather than only after the romance is "committed"
-Opportunity to give gifts
-Conflicts with Aerie, Jaheira and Viconia
-Optional conflict with Weimer's Solaufein
-Bodhi abduction
-Opportunity to switch to the friendship track should you wish
A friendship track for ineligible males and females of any alignment except Neutral Evil and Chaotic Evil containing:
-17 Charname-Nathaniel banters
-Platonic flirts, changing throughout the talks
-Reactions to certain Charname-NPC romances
Kido - Insane chaotic evil jester who worships Cyric. For those who miss Xzar.
Kido's Stats
11 Strength 17 Dexterity 13 Constitution
16 Intelligence 8 Wisdom 15 Charisma
Important Note: Kido will be a Jester and still Chaotic Evil, normally this isn't allowed for bards, but what can you tell when Cyric is around?
Kido's throwing dagger (usuable ownly by Kido)
+1 throwing dagger, returns to owner, target must save vs. spell or be stunned for four rounds
It is my intention that his dagger can be upgraded thanks to a quest one will be able to do for the Cyric Cleric in the Docks district (don't think its implemented yet)
Kido can be found in the play house cheering for Biff the Understudy (you read it correctly he applauds at Biff's efforts, didn't I told you he had some srews loose?)