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What the weirdest glitch you've ever seen? ***SPOILERS****

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 10:20 am
by Lyco
Ok... as great a game this is, we all know it has it's fair share of bugs and glitchs, most of them are easy to look past, but every once and a while something comes along which just makes you raise an eyebrow.

Whats the weirdest glitch you've seen while playing?

I have absolutely no idea how, but one time, I was at the "Confessions" club downtown. I was talking to Venus, getting the quest where you go kill Boris. Suddenly the game froze in the middle of dialouge and it did that thing where the audio repeats it self over and over. Freaking out cuz I hadn't saved in a while, I tried desperatly to get to the save game menu, thankful I did, and I managed to save before the game locked up completely. When I reloaded my game, it loaded up and everything was running fine, EXCEPT I could still hear the section of Venus's diolouge reapeating itself. The funny thing is, the word of the dialouge the keeps repeating just happens to be the F-word, so now when ever I go into Confessions to pick up my money, I hear a never ending string of profanity along with the club music.

Ahh... I love this game... lol

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 5:28 pm
by Theoris
chinatown glitch

the weirdest glitch i saw was in chinatown when i taked to the old man in the bathroom, he was stuck in the door so there was this door that had a face poking out of it....very funny. i called him the disembodied mystical door guy.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 7:07 pm
by pennypincher
I'll admit it, this wasn't ENTEIRLY a glitch, this was just funny. I was in confessions as well, when I decided I was bored, saved the game and used Dementation on everyone I could.

Some of the club killed each other, some feld in terror, some just had heart attacks and died... A few lucky ones survived, but fled to safer places. I stood in the center of the chaos, dancing like it was going out of fashion as angry club goers ran past fly kicking each other.

I had a good laugh and left, ho ho ho. Stepped outside, went on my merry way.

However, any time I returned to Confessions, even after loading other games, there were screams of terror and people would start running in fear, there were people dancing, and next to them other people cowering in horror. Ocassionaly, some people would dance, pause, run around screaming, and then stop and dance again. Some very confused people acted happy and normal untill I got near them, then ran around terrified. It was like the club.. Sort of reset itself after the incident, but didn't remove the people who were effected... So they were still terrified, but the new patrons had NO idea what was going on.

Very odd. Had to reload a few times before Venus would speak to me as well.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 9:08 am
by Darkstone
Previously I would have said the dozens of green couches floating around my Skyline Apartment. (Which at first I didn't realize was a glitch since I was playing a Malkavian at the time.)

However, this one happened this weekend. I exit the Plaguebearer sewer and everything is black. I can see my hit point level, my blood gauge. I can use disciplines and I even seem to be able to crouch, jump, and walk around. But I can't see a thing. Everything's black. So I do the usual drills: restart the game, load the previous save, etc. Nothing works. It's still pitch dark. Like my character's head is stuck in a bag.....

A lightbulb goes off, and I reload a save from just before I entered the sewer. Sure enough, one of those loose garbage bags was laying slightly over the edge of the manhole. Move bag, enter sewer, kill Kanker, exit, and yes I can see!

The mental image of my vampire blindlly stumbling around in the alley with a garbage bag stuck over her head gave me my best laugh of the day.

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 5:51 pm
by Anaximander
Here's one that happened in my most recent game a few days ago. This was the end of the Santa Monica warehouse, during the first encounter with Beckett. He approached, as always, in wolf form and started transforming back into his human guise when the game got hung up on the sound effect and froze temporarily. This brief pause caused Beckett to get stuck mid transformation. Throughout the dialogue with him I saw two translucent, ghost like figures speaking to me: one man, and one wolf

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:54 am
by Lestat
The only glitch I had that somewhat resembles anything here was in the Ocean Hotel.
On the third floor the Ghosted "blocked", i.e. she didn't disappear after showing me the way and floated in place in a side corridor. That gave me at least the opportunity to get a closer look. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 4:10 am
by Surfdude
I had a couple of great graphics glitches in the Skyline Apartments.
I could see a door knob randomly placed near the ceiling in the lift!
The weirdest one by far was in the basement all the doors had fish swimming in midair around them! I could open and close the doors and the fish would move with it!
I took screenshots of both, I'll try to post them when I get home tonight. :D

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:33 pm
by pennypincher
Those fish aren't a glitch, they live there! You're messing up their house!


Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:55 pm
by Anaximander
Holy - !

I was playing around with the cheat console last night and I found a very interesting bug. One that you should be able to duplicate yourselves.

Here's what I did: I started a new game as a Gangrel. Opened the console and used vstats sell to sell all the points I had in Animalism. Closed the console and looked at my charater sheet to confirm that Animalism was sitting there with 0 points in it. Opened the console and used the same code to sell one more point in Animalism, thinking it wouldn't do anything. When I looked in my character sheet again, Animalism was completely gone and I had 651 xp points to spend.

At that point I opened the console again used vstats buy to buy a point in Celerity, just to see what would happen. In the character sheet, I now had Celerity as a discipline (A Gangrel with Celerity! Nice) with 0 points in it and still had 647 xp points.

Curious, I tried to spend those points to see if the game would allow it. It did, and by the way, 647 isn't quite enough to put 5 points into everything.

Now it gets even more strange. After spending the last of my 647 ill-begotten experience points, you'd think I would have 0 left. Instead, the game gave me 1047 more. I used them to put a full 5 points into everything and still had over 600 left.

At that point, I played around with my Super Gangrel a bit and found that the game played just fine and continued to reward me with xp for completing tasks.

I do have the unofficial 1.7 patch installed, and that may be causing some erratic behavior. On the other hand, it could just be that the cheat console itself is bugged. Anybody without the unofficial patches installed care to try to duplicate this one?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:38 pm
by Theoris

i also experienced a strange occurrence at the society of Leopold....i stealth fed on a guard and when i finished i had sunken below the grass so the top of my head was the only thing visible.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:34 pm
by yrthwyndandfyre
I've had my character sink into the floor to her chest once, and once, in back of the Giovanni mansion, I was getting sniped by a guard who was buried in the ground up to his nose.

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 2:00 pm
by Lunaida
I have had two weird glitches so far :

1. The first time I played, I sleath killed a guard at the Sabbat warehouse and strangely he respawned back to life ! And no matter how many times I killed him, he again returned back to life but of course without noticing me !

2. The second time - i.e. now - I had to try a couple of times to be able to kill the asian vampire in the foxy boxes . The last time that I tried, I attacked him with my Malkavian and the first thing that I did was to use The Vision of Death on him. After that he kept running away from me and then stopping and looking around as if he couldnt see me. His life-bar didnt appear on the top of the screen either ! But I had a good time beating him senseless :D

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:48 pm
by Aznbabygirl101
underwater battle

first time i played the game as a toreador during the society of leopold i believe, where there is a really tough battle with a few vampire hunters (right after you find ash river's in a cage) my stradegy was to use celerity and twack them and then jump in the water and then swim for my life, and regenerate and then repeat, however i think i accidently pushed one of the slayers into the water because when i jumped in somebody was still shooting at me and i looked down and there was a slayer gun out shooting at me like he was above the water while i was trying to swim around, i had to swim down to him and then hack him to pieces with my axe and when i killed him he floated to the surface.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:00 am
by cannon fodder
[QUOTE=Surfdude]I had a couple of great graphics glitches in the Skyline Apartments.
I could see a door knob randomly placed near the ceiling in the lift!
The weirdest one by far was in the basement all the doors had fish swimming in midair around them! I could open and close the doors and the fish would move with it!
I took screenshots of both, I'll try to post them when I get home tonight. :D [/QUOTE]

I've had the "cloud of fish in place of door-knobs" one before. It comes from the game loading the wrong texture when you enter the skyline apt building. (the texture is actually the one from the fishtank downstairs in the red dragon restaurant in chinatown)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 5:41 am
by Nightingale
I've had a few weird ones:

The first time I went to Griffith Park, I was on the gonodola and just fell through the floor. Couldn't do a thing.

When at the Giovanni Mansion, I decided to try the violent approach and although I killed Bruno his body just jamp up onto the cieling and kept on firing at me. Shooting back proved useless as I got a '0' coming up eveytime I hit him.

On my most recent game, when in the downtown area, two guys were stuck standing behind each other on an empty sidewalk - it was very strange, especially when the guy at the back kept on sitting down like there was an invisable sofa.

Also, I can never get Heather to give me the good armour and then dismiss her so she wouldn't be killed - so I generally feed on her unti she's dead - and I lose humanity for my kindness - then when I get to Hollowbrooke - there she is well and alive - well not for long. :laugh:

Finally, when I was ddowntown I went through the shortcut from near Confession to the hospital/hollowbrooke. I was playing a Tremere and just really beginning the game - then suddenly this ginger pigtailed girl jumps me in the alley with a flaming torch and knife - I'm assuming this was a hunter but I hadn't broken the Masquerade once and my humanity was full. I mean, there I was, an innocent bloodsucker, making her way through downtown LA on business when I was attacked - what's the world coming to?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:42 am
by mr_sir
i've had the griffith park bug before too lol.

this time i had my vampires head sticking out of the top of the taxi during the final missions lol, just the top half of the head though like it had been trapped in a sunroof or something :)

also, got two masquerade violations with my nosferatu and a hunter behind asylum kept running at me (even though i was using obfuscate) then standing there looking straight at me then vanishing into thin air only to come running down the alley again. i sat and watched the hunter do this 5 or 6 times before i got bored and just killed her. it was like she had some magic teleportation dust or something lol.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:31 pm
by yrthwyndandfyre
Swimming at SoL

I was in the Society of Leopold making the run for the Zodiac. I didn't turn the corner fast enough on the dock and ran straight into the water. I started looking around rabidly for a ladder, couldn't see one, so I tried jumping into the Zodiac from the water (which didn't work either). Then I ran out of time, the screen went black, and I was back in front of the Venture tower. I got full credit for the quest, just like I'd escaped on the Zodiac. I guess you win if you just get off the dock, not necessarily into the Zodiac. :cool:

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 8:19 pm
by yrthwyndandfyre
Messing with disciplines (SPOILERS)

[QUOTE=Anaximander]I was playing around with the cheat console last night and I found a very interesting bug. One that you should be able to duplicate yourselves.

Here's what I did: I started a new game as a Gangrel. Opened the console and used vstats sell to sell all the points I had in Animalism. Closed the console and looked at my charater sheet to confirm that Animalism was sitting there with 0 points in it. Opened the console and used the same code to sell one more point in Animalism, thinking it wouldn't do anything. When I looked in my character sheet again, Animalism was completely gone and I had 651 xp points to spend.
Well, I'm using an unadorned 1.2 patch, and this process does work to some degree. The excessive XP gained here was unrealized, so that is probably peculiar to the 1.7 patch, but I started my normal Tremere character in the usual way, and managed to sell Auspex to gain Obfuscate by selling Auspex to -1 and then buying Obfuscate. It appears that the first point in a discipline is worth 20 XP, because I had 3, after selling Auspex from 0, I had 23, and after buying Obfuscate, I was back to three again. Presumably, by judiciously using this hack, you could customize your character's disciplines to any arbitrary degree and wind up with a Tremere with some of the Disciplines of Malkavian, Nosferatu, and Gangrel.
One point, though. Set up your character, and if you are going through the tutorial, finish it before you start messing with your disciplines. You have to finish the tutorial with the correct clan-specific disciplines. Then you can change them.
Nice catch, Anaximander. I know people have been looking for ways to customise the disciplines pretty much since day one.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 10:40 pm
by mr_sir
Nice catch, Anaximander. I know people have been looking for ways to customise the disciplines pretty much since day one.
;) [/QUOTE]

going to have to try that. would love to have a tremere with animalism, dominate and thaumaturgy as they are three of my four favourite disciplines, the other being dementation but that is pointless together with dominate.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:06 am
by KRose

I've had a couple of funny ones;

One was in Club Confession where I decided to go on a random killing spree after saving, because, well... senseless violence is a sure cure for boredom. Anyway, my Malk drained Venus and then set on the other people, but after I'd killed the first two guys who had been dancing next to her, things got very odd. I could still kill people, If I caught up for long enough but besides running, screaming, and cowering, they kept... disappearing. One minute some goth girl would be running, then she'd disappear only to reappear on the other side of the room a second later. It was quite funny- I just watched all the terrified people literally coming and going. I couldn't kill them all because for every one I killed, another two appeared!

I've also had a glitch at the Ocean House Hotel [Or whatever it's called.] When I was running about on the third floor, ghost appears as usual, points down the corridor, and then runs down it. This place terrifies me anyway, so I wait until she must have gone and then run after her. My Malk sprints round the corner, and slams into the ghost. Seriously, I nearly had a heart attack! She was just standing there, ignoring me since she'd obviously got stuck- I glanced up and saw her disappearing round the next corner, despite the fact she's still in front of me. While it was quite interesting looking at her, and deciding she must have been stabbed or shot in the stomach, I've crept round that corner ever since...