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_______: The _________ - Bloodlines

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 2:21 pm
by Lyco
I dont' know too too much about the Vampire:The Masqurade PnP RPG that this game was based on, but i do know that White Wolf has a bunch of other ones that are all based in the same "World of Darkness" universe. So I wonder if it would be conseaveable to imagine what the same game would be like based off one of WW's diffrent PnP RPG's

There's Stuff like

Hunter: The Reckoning - Bloodlines, where you and Bach trade places and now you have to hunt down and distroy LaCroix and his minions of the night in the name of rightousness, using you're crazy God powers.

or like,

Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Bloodlines, i guess they would have to work werewolves into the story more, but i'm sure it could be done, and that would just be cool, going around on the streets as a human, but then when stuff has to die, changing. It'd be like Level 5 Protean on crack and steriods.

What do you think?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 3:55 pm
by fable
Moving this thread to RPG Discussions, where it will fit better, but leaving a redirect. You get two forums for the price of one. ;)

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:29 pm
by pennypincher
The problem with that is this:

Hunter and Werewolf aren't very "Role playing" and more "action"... You might be able to squeeze a few moments in there where you have to explain your cuts and bruises to your broken family, or where you have to talk your way out of a police station... But really, it's almost a given that those kind of games are built to be action games where you (werewolf) tear up things in your valiant war against an untoppable foe and (Hunter) shoot things in your valiant war against an unstoppable foe *Rolls eyes*.

If you want to see what the end result of a hunter or werewolf computer game would be, and the kind of people it would sell to, go grab "Hunter: The Reckoning" for the PS2 and take a look... It'll only take a few seconds, as the rest of the game is identical to the first few seconds, only with different skins on the enemies.

Otherwise, if you can't find a copy of that "Classic" then pick up "Underworld" which uses the exact same game engine, almost identical graphics, almost prefect replica maps and has pretty much the same story line of "There are bad guys, ready? Shoot!"

Is my distates for the simplicity fo Werewolf and Hunter too obvious?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 5:45 pm
by Aegis
And for some reason, you believe that the Vampire line is full of much more roleplaying? I'm sorry, but I can't even begin to accept that. For my entire experiance with the Vampire games, stretching into some years now, every game of Vampire has the exact same formula of roleplayer: Brooding, emo wannabe goth's. The entire line is geared for action and combat, of which is obvious by the dumbed down stat system, and the d10 system used.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:10 am
by pennypincher
Well, no.

Vampire points the character away from Violence because there is no point to it in the game. Politics and manipulation play the biggest role in the game, with violence only leading to questions that are difficult for a person who doesn't go out in the sun light to answer. Where as Werewolf rewards you with "Honor" (A nice name for an XP for killing system, hello the sad lands of D&D) and Hunter the one and only purpose of the game is to fight and kill supernatural creatures like some kind of... Buffy-esque, leather tight crime fighting duo/trio/any other kind of o you'd like, Vampire frowns on this kind of action by being the ONLY game to delve into a humanity system, where your character is punished and your role playing limited the more random adn violent you are... Not to mention Princes and Sherifs frown upon vampires who, at any time during the day, may have their havens kicked open by police officers.

Criminals who hang fangs and burn in contact with sunlight are a little rought to explain to the feds.

Meanwhile, I'm sorry you only played with "goths" and "emos"... Thou I'm not even sure what an Emo is. That really speaks more about your social circle then what vampire is about. I play with perfectly normal people, and if they spend time whining and moaning about the Woes of unlife, we use that great Vampire role playing fallback... We tell them to shut the hell up and pay attention, because we don't want our names sullied by being seen by the harpies as the kind of people who hang around with mopey Torreadore want-to-bes.

Also, I think you might be confused about the "Dumbed down" stat system... If you mean that it doesn't require a roll for ever action like D&D, demands role playing unlike D&D and, instead of regulating everything with a strict "You don't have these 33 talents that cover everything a plumber can do, so you can't be a plumber" just covers it with one logical ability so that if you want your character to be a plumber at creation you can without spending 4 hours tweaking numbers... Then I'm sorry, but I really have NO idea what your talking about.

The New WoD I'd agree with you... It's just sad and pathetic. The old one? I'd laugh in your face and walk away without even looking at you again. The old one was a beautiful, celver classic. Or maybe I just fear change... Which is why I can never leave a tip!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:22 am
by Aegis
Well, considering I have play experiance from a number of different cities, and gaming groups, I'd like to think I've seen a pretty wide berth. As for your comparisons to DnD, save your breath. I hardly consider it the pinnacle of role-playing. Best system I've seen was one created by a friend of mine.

I'm not about to get into a debate about this here, as it isn't the proper place for it, nor do I actually care enough. I just found it amusing you place Vampire (even the old system) on such a high pedestal. The very fact that in Vampire your characters are nigh-unstoppable with so few builds is a sign in itself that it holds a strong focus on combat (which, like all whitewolf games, it does poorly).

Laugh and walk away if you will, water rolling off my back and all. You have your opinions and I have mine. No need to be getting all flustered over them.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 12:36 am
by pennypincher
Nigh unstoppable?

Are we... Talking about the same game?? I mean, bullets and punches and such are soaked for half... But otherwise... Either way, obviously we played with very different people, and find very different things to be true about the game.