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Need Power!
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 4:52 pm
by Kyle09
I'm having a fun time with morrowind (I'm playing the game of the year edition for x-box) and its pretty cool to explore and interact with the npc's etc. etc. etc. But on the inside I'm very discontent and greedy. I want a ton of powerful armor, weapons, and spells early on. I've browsed many sites for such advice but their methods seem long and tedious. Some of them don't even seem possible. Now I trust everyone here at gamebanshee

so I wanted to know if anyone would share their methods of becoming insanly powerful early on!
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:01 pm
by dragon wench
The problem with MW is that you tend to become too powerful too quickly. So you really have little to worry about.
But, since you ask. Find out where to steal some good items, and sell them. Fill common soul gems with ancestor ghosts etc. They sell for 4 K apiece.
Spend your money on training, make sure you keep some of your stolen armor and weapons for yourself.
However.. I really do not recommend doing any of the above, you'll spoil the game for yourself

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:22 pm
by fable
You want money?
Cast the soul trap spell, and trap things in empty soul gems. Once filled, they sell for a ridiculously high price.
Make Alchemy one of your major skills.
You can steal a 4-piece Master-level alchemy set in the tower attached to the Caldera Mage Guild. Grab all the alchemical ingredients you can steal and find; make even the worst of potions, and sell them everywhere. Your alchemy skill will improve, and so will the money you make off each potion.
Those two hints should make a ton in next to no time, at all. I never use the first, but I hear it's great, and I've only used the second to afford expensive stuff added to the game through mods. Enjoy.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:32 pm
by Phreddie
If you really want to spoil your game, then one way to become uber man in about 20 minutes is to follow the ... uh... following: DON READ IF OHYU DON WANNA SPOIL ALL GAMES FOR ETERNITY
1. when you start out i recomend making your skils what ever you want al long as alteration is a major skil and willpwr a fav atribute this will make things ezier.
2 go to arriles trade house and buy spell jack of all trades
3 buy spell soultrap anywhere.
4 go to spell amker and make a spell that does soultrap on target and fortify wisdom for 25-25 pts. (u can make higher ltr but for now aim low)
3 go to corner look at feet and cast as long as possible sleep to recovr magicka go for aS HIGH AS U WANT YOUR ATRRIBUTE TO BE.
4 buy the same speel but substitute personality for wisdom make it reall high then sell every one gold item for around 1k... this givesmoeny for other spells.
5 buy speels to fortify all other attributes but restrain yourself two points u wanna consider:
- if you amke speed too high it becomes harder to control as a slight ttap sends you form balmora to ghostghate. make it around 200 thats unreasonalby fast but reasonably controll able do a max of 500
-unless u want to be able to kill vivec in one hit DO NOT fortify strnegth get a feather spell and fortify that so that you can carry more
NOTE: i just beat on cheat mode like that and was left unsatisfied i am now trying to play normal way have not cheated and in about 3 hrs i am now pretty uber.... you nget powerful its up to you to choose how.