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boy/girl finishing game (spoilers)

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:34 am
by JfaldI
Ive beaten the game twice and on my third way through but i have a question
both times ive done it with a guy i was wondering how dif the game was if u were a girl through the game. cuz ur Reven but if u were a girl it seems like it would be different.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:56 am
by Hill-Shatar
The game definitely has differences between whther or not you play a guy or a girl.

For example, who you can flirt with, roamantic involvment, which charatcers you can get close to, and some other minor alterations. Nothing really, really, big, if I remember correctly, but some definite differences.

The best way to see it all is to play it through again, as a girl. ;)

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:06 pm
by JfaldI

ok ill do it. but one more q is there any dif endings

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:08 pm
by Hill-Shatar
To tell you the truth, I never finsihed the first KotOR all the way through, so I am unsure. However, it always ends in the same spot, with any character, whether you like it or not. Most likely, no. However, details of the ending can always differ. :)

Are you going darkside with this character or not?

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:14 pm
by JfaldI

ive done ds 1nce and ls 1nce 3rd time im on tatooine (2Nd after dantooine) and im dark

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 12:24 pm
by Hill-Shatar
A dark female player has a difficult time at the end of the game, due to those moments of Romance where male characters do best.

Do try... however, perhaps you should see what other people have to say? Some of them have played through this game more times than I have, so have analyzed every possible way of beating the game. :D

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:03 pm
by Phreddie
as to the endings wuestion, there ar eno endings based on sex, but there are two different endings based on alignment, if u end darkside u see urself at the head of a giant sith invasion force, being there leader with your signfigant other at your side (unless ur female), if ur light i think its some sort of award ceremony, tihnk ep. 4's ending.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:11 pm
by yoyopogo104
i know that if u play ds female and follow thorugh w/ the romance thing *spoiler!* u can kill carth at the end, but i, personally, have never been ds and in love w/ him at the same time. :D other than that, the ending is the same. the experiences are diff, though. im sorta switchin things up, too, playin both kotors as male and/or ds instead of my favorite female/ls combo. haha, have fun flirting w/ carth! :p

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:15 pm
by KyLewin
[QUOTE=yoyopogo104]haha, have fun flirting w/ carth! :p [/QUOTE]
Yuck! Romancing Carth gives me the creeps. Oh well, to each his (or her) own. :D

As pointed out above, the differences between being male or female are few and far between. Obviously one of your two romance options (Juhani swings both ways apparently) changes, the DS ending is different (but only just slightly), some of your dialog options with Carth and Bastila change since you can't flirt with one or the other of them, and the Sith you can talk to on Taris (to get the uniform) is different as well (you have to talk to a guy in a different part of the room if you're a girl). That's really about it.