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end game bug: anyone else get this?

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 10:00 pm
by vaters
alright, heres the story, ill start off with where i am in the game

i havent even gone to the shadow ruins yet, and im on my way to deliver the vial of blood to the unholy arc. I'm in the vale of ruin, halfway there from the moonbridge to the unholy arc. I'm fightin off some ninjas and a pack of killer bees, and i backflip to hit the high-flying bastards when suddenly the game freezes, as if its loading a new location. sure enough after about 30 seconds im in the final area.... the little portals, the enemies, the terrain, the whole deal!
i keep goin forward, end up in the final area, watching the little exchange between volgar and the big baddie..... the whole standard endgame thing, he kills volgar, i take the relics, i free galdryn, i kill baddie, all that, all the way to the talk to davenmore and ellowyn to the credits

my question is, wtf happened for me to suddenly appear at the very end, and if anyone else has had somethin like this happen?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 6:27 am
by Gobatcha
Probably too complicated to explain here

Your experience is similar to many others' episodes and, unfortunately, is not too uncommon. Check out this forum for similar complaints starting with the 'post your bugs here' thread. My favorite was described by one gamer who died in one of the lakes. His character sank and continued to fall through the bottom of the lake bed into the demon realm. Try explaining that one.
A note about killing bees: I find the best way to slay them is to simply walk backwards in a line and keep left clicking with my sword. Using this method I'll set up a fast hacking rhythm that chops the bees as they dive in and attempt to sting me. The bees swoop in, one right after the other, and meet my sword in the face. A long trail of dead bees is a pleasure to behold. :D