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Elixer of Life from Lady Grey

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:36 am
by PaladinHeart
On the original X-Box version I once received an Elixer of Life as a gift from Lady Grey. On the PC version I've gotten the Solus Greatsword that is sold in Bowerstone North from her. Apparently she only rarely gives items but when she does they're really nice. ^_^

It doesn't seem like marrying any other NPC is worth the bother. They all give you crap. What's the best items you've gotten from Lady Grey or any other wife?

Oh! I did get a flame augmentation or two when I was married to the old woman (the one from Rose Cottage that you can only marry if you do the quest about the Hobbe's Cave where you rescue her son).

It was really funny to woo an old woman with the hero. :D You can't get her house though. They replace her. :( That was why I let him marry her in the first place. Haha! Oh well.

Anyway I noticed this Elixer of Life I got from Lady Grey isn't listed in the item archive. Sorry I don't have proof of it. I'll take a screenie if I can get her to give it to me again on the PC version. :cool:

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 10:02 am
by .:ANUBIS:.
well not true about the normal people. in bowerstone south i married a lady and she gave me a bright plate chest peice :D

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 1:44 pm
by badboyd22
lady grey seems to hate me.. she never gives me things and always: oh.. its you.. or: what now...?
but in bowerstone south my wife gave me a master great axe :D

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:13 pm
by .:ANUBIS:.
nice nice lol when i ignore lady grey thats when she hates me lol but any way do u guys know if she likes evil guys more or good guys more?

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:26 am
by kidavi
i've got TLC, and Lady Grey has never given me anything. i played once as pure good and once as pure evil, and both times she's gushed about how happy she is, had sex with me, etc., but she's never given me anything. in order to get her to give you things, do you just give her gifts...?