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**Kinda spoil**Toxic Cave/Yellow kaycard
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:57 am
by kaos1979
Hi y'all
Does anyone know if it's possible to access the elevator in Toxic Cave (where you rescue Smiley The Trapper)? I've repaired the generator, but can't open the elevator door (or use the computer next to the generator)
Also... In Klamath, where the Vertibird has crached - I've beaten the Robot (Thanx Sulik
) and found a yellow keycard on the body of an Enclave Soldier - Is this of any use
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:59 am
by Kipi
Oh, almost forgot...
Welcome to GameBanshee kaos1979!
Hope you enjoy staying here
kaos1979 wrote:Hi y'all
Does anyone know if it's possible to access the elevator in Toxic Cave (where you rescue Smiley The Trapper)? I've repaired the generator, but can't open the elevator door (or use the computer next to the generator)
Yes, you can get down with the elevator, but just not immediatly. To open the elevator you need to repair the powergenerator (which you have already done) and have Electronic Lockpick. I'm not sure if the basic EL is enough or should it be Mark II, but when you get one, you can try.
For myself, I haven't never visited down there, cause the only few times I tried the game crashed, and haven't bothered to try again in long time...
Also... In Klamath, where the Vertibird has crached - I've beaten the Robot (Thanx Sulik
) and found a yellow keycard on the body of an Enclave Soldier - Is this of any use
Hmmm... the only places I can think of are Navarro, The Oil Rig, or The Gecko (those are cities, BTW
). But it's possible that it doesn't do anything, just one of those random junk...
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 5:13 am
by kaos1979
Thanx Kipi
I'll try to keep it in mind, when I locate an el. lockpick
...Seems my biggest challenge when playing RPGs is to back-track and try those little things I weren't able to complete early on
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 2:02 pm
by Andrey
Guess whos back
Hello people,back again after long time again...
Nice to see this forum is still alive...i guess.
Toxic Caves:
You first repair that generator for elevator and then you use Electronic Lockpick 1 on elevator doors. I never managed to open the doors with Electronic Lockpick MK2.
As for Yellow Reactor Keycard, its function is still a mistery
But Im quite sure it can be used for something,though i never managed to find out what for.
Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:05 pm
by Cain Of NewReno
Hi, I'm new to these forums... I would just like to know IF THIS IS A SPOILER THREAD! What does the elevator lead to???
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 12:35 pm
by Kipi
[QUOTE=Cain Of NewReno]Hi, I'm new to these forums... I would just like to know IF THIS IS A SPOILER THREAD! What does the elevator lead to???[/QUOTE]
Welcome to GameBanshee
Well, if I remember correctly there is something like Vault there. But I can't remember for sure, since as I stated earlier, I haven't ever visited it myself.
About the EL, did you get just message "That does nothing"?
And about the key, it's not 100% sure it has use. There are several item that do not have any uses, they just are there (to make players like us crazy in finding what those does
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:16 pm
by ToDublin
Yellow Card = Yellow Card from Gecko, no idea why Enlcave Soldier had it in possession.
The elevator definitely leads to somewhere, but since I last played the game a long time ago, I obviously don't remember.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:49 pm
by lellebror_erik
There is some stuff down there, a Bozzar, a Combat Armour, some ammo for various weapons, and i think there is a Plasma Pistol. Guarded by one robot.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:13 am
by Andrey
Yes, Kipi, I tryed million times.Maybe thats bug that wasnt fixed with patch?
Anyway, Yellow Reactor Keycard( there is Red Reactor Keycard also!!) was planned to be used on oilrig somewhere.Maybe that room with elevator and all modern electronic things? So,these keycards dont have any function.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:16 am
by Xandax
I'm pretty sure that as mentioend by ToDublin that the yellow keycard is for the reactor in Gecko, where you need a yellow and a red card to navigate through the rooms.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:23 am
by Andrey
Yes ,Xandax. But those are Yellow and Red keycards used for Gecko.
And these mysterious are Yellow and Red REACTOR keycards. They were supposted to be used for Enclave Reactor room(in which you cant get in).
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:51 am
by Kipi
[QUOTE=Andrey]Yes, Kipi, I tryed million times.Maybe thats bug that wasnt fixed with patch?
What patch you are using?
And about the key, I think there is thread somewhere where it was already "proofed" that the keycard we are talking about do NOT work in Gecko, but instead was meant to be used somewhere else (maybe it was the reactor, not sure) but for some reason this wasn't finished or it's bugging so badly that it do not work. Also I think there were rumors that the card could be meant to work in Gecko, but that plans were changed but the "worthless" keycard wasn't removed.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 1:05 pm
by Andrey
The latest patch. I dont know whats the name of it.
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 4:28 am
by Kipi
Okay, made a bit search about the Toxic Cave.
I found this info from Nearly Ultimate Fallout 2 Guide, which can be found from or under this link:
I decided to quote the info concerning TC here, making it easier:
Once you return here with a beefed-up Repair skill (or Vic), you'll be able to fix the generator (50-60% is recommended, a Tool won't provide any bonus). Next you'll have to use an Electronic Lockpick on the elevator door, or it won't open. Go down, kill the rocketbot, then loot, loot and loot to your heart's content: good ammo, a Bozar and a Combat Armor Mark II among other things. (Though the first time I got down here, I was disappointed the place was so small. I'd expected a full-blown base.)
[INDENT]This is the only time in the game you need any kind of lockpick item (unless your Lockpick skills are horrendously bad).[/INDENT]
[INDENT]In the unpatched version there was significantly less stuff down here: no Combat Armor Mark II, no Bozar, no Plasma Pistol, less ammo. Also you couldn't use the Electronic Lockpick MKII to open the elevator.[/INDENT]
[INDENT]You'll want to kill the robot before it can take too many shots at you, which is where this little trick comes in handy. If you press and hold the A key as the game is loading a new area (such as when you get a random encounter on the world map), you'll enter combat mode and get the first turn before any monsters can react. Kind of a half-cheat which takes advantage of the game engine. Another time you may want to use this is in dialogues where you say things like "Eat grapeshot and die, scumbag". The other party always gets to initiate combat - that is, unless you hold the A key as you leave dialogue. In this particular case you can also use the trick to run past the robot before it can react; if you get to the doorway you'll be safe, even if there are NPCs in the robot's line of sight.[/INDENT]
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 3:35 pm
by Andrey
Oh well. I was sure I couldnt use MK2 even with patch.Must play it again then.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 5:17 am
by Kipi
[QUOTE=Andrey]Oh well. I was sure I couldnt use MK2 even with patch.Must play it again then.[/QUOTE]
It may of course be that you are experiencing some strange bug, which could be corrected by reinstalling the game. Other question is, is it worth of it and does it even help, since it may be that even if you reinstall the game, if use old save with bug the bug doesn't disappear from the saved game, only from new games.
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:46 pm
by Nekasrof
In the unpatched version of the game, there is next to nothing in the single room that the elavator takes you to.
In the patched version, they decide to give you your wildest hopes and dreams.
I have never had a problem getting down there, and as has been mentioned, the electronic lock pick mark 1 is better than the mark 2 in the unpatched game (because the MRK 2 doesn't work AT ALL in unpatched).