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Which is the most fun to play? Totemic druid or Bard Scald?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 12:00 pm
by dragon wench
I hope I am not duplicating too much with this thread, but I did some searching and I did not really see anything that specifically deals with my question.

I have decided to begin a new game with a class I have never previously played. After considering it for a while, I have narrowed it down to either a Bard Scald or a Totemic Druid. In each case, I will gain a stronghold (and thus new quests) that I have not previously experienced.

So, in terms of game-play and quests, which would you consider more fun? I'm not asking which is the more powerful of the two, I'm asking which you view as the more enjoyable overall.

Also, please don't tell me you'd recommend different kits to the ones I've mentioned; these are the ones I want to play ;)

I'm also considering the following NPCs, the criteria being that I have never had them in an SoA (as distinct from ToB) party before, or at least not extensively:

*Edwin (Trying out Edwin romance :D )
*Fade (she sounds cool and a new NPC always adds spice)

Optional and Somewhat Dependent on PC choice
*Mazzy (apparently having her in a party with Korgan is entertaining)
*Anomen (if only to see his interactions with Edwin)
*Viconia (I gather she has some interesting dialogues with Edwin)
*Haer' Dalis

*Note: Ideally, I'd like to leave the sixth slot open so I don't have to drop anybody when I rescue Immy

So, any comments on the above in terms of a fun romp are welcome too

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 2:09 pm
by Raven_Song
I found bards to be one of the funnest classes to play, and at the end of the day who wants a moldy old grove in a festering swamp when you can own your own playhouse? Also if your planning to romance Eddy he has an INT requirement, and as bards actually need INT unlike druids it makes sense.

If you do go bard I really recommend downloading the Song and Silence mod from G3 (it adds a few more bard only items to the game - but does alter the existing kits slightly as well as adding new ones). I know you specifically asked not to recommend different kits but if you do download the mod the skald is altered so it might be worth reconsidering, and taking a look at the new ones and perhaps taking another look at the *cough* Jester - I found it much improved and has been the most fun to play. :rolleyes: :D

However your choice of NPC's makes the situation more complicated, and to be honest I'm used to taking slightly more muscle than your choices allow.

Firstly if your romancing Edwin, Keldorn is a big no, no!

Your choice of healers offers a number of trade offs. If you go bard Viconia's extra spells might be more useful, but she lacks the tankage potential of Anomen. If you go druid, Anomen can be used for raising dead and tanking, plus you'll get the romance conflict.

Saying that Anomen banters extensively with Keldorn (d'oh)

Fade and Imoen in the same party seems a little unnecessary, especially if you bard, as you'll essentially have one tank unless you take Anomen as your only healer.

For me Haer'Dalis would add little to either party, as if you have Edwin, Fade, Imoen, do you really need another rogue/mage type.

Mazzy and Korgan do surprisingly work well together (and both characters banter extensivly with Jan making an excellent threesome (if you're into banter heavy parties) However bear in mind Mazzy begins as a better ranged unit and takes time (and a girdle of X strength) to truly shine as a melee tank, so unless you plan to team her up with a heavy hitter (like Korgan, Keldorn or Anomen) I'd avoid.

Hope this helps a bit.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 3:33 pm
by dragon wench
Thanks Raven Song, that does help. The Song and Silence mod sounds quite intriguing :cool:

Just to clarify:

*I don't plan to actually keep Imoen once I return from her rescue mission. But, in terms of roleplaying it does not seem right to go to all that money and effort, and then not add her to my group. I'd at least like to make sure she is safely ensconced in the Copper Coronet. (Yes, I know she heads there by herself if you don't add her, but I just couldn't simply abandon her like that)

*As far as figures like Haer' Dalis go, the reason I'm interested in adding him to the party is simply because I have never kept him around before. (and unlike Cernd, he isn't dull)

*Regarding Keldorn and Korgan, I can always install The Happy Patch

*I'm not exactly worried about the intelligence requirement in the Edwin romance. I spent quite some time rolling for a druid and ended up with a very nice set of stats.
(I have a whole range of characters rolled and set to go)

*Regarding the muscle factor. I almost always tend to play caster heavy parties, so I'm used to handling them. And in this case, the determining factors are not necessarily skill based anyway, but rather, personality and banter-oriented. That, and as I mentioned, I want to use NPCs I have less familiarity with.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:03 am
by Raven_Song
*I don't plan to actually keep Imoen once I return from her rescue mission. But, in terms of roleplaying it does not seem right to go to all that money and effort, and then not add her to my group. I'd at least like to make sure she is safely ensconced in the Copper Coronet. (Yes, I know she heads there by herself if you don't add her, but I just couldn't simply abandon her like that)
See I'd rather have nothing to do with her so, I tend to remove her as quickly as possible, even if that means sendinging off to face mind flayers with naught but single dart: D
*As far as figures like Haer' Dalis go, the reason I'm interested in adding him to the party is simply because I have never kept him around before. (and unlike Cernd, he isn't dull)[/QUOTE
Fair enough, but if you play a bard and in a caster heavy party your going to be a little short of items (armour in particular) so perhaps druid.
(Oh and I actually seem to be one of the few people who likes Cernd and finds him quite funny. ;) )
*Regarding the muscle factor. I almost always tend to play caster heavy parties, so I'm used to handling them. And in this case, the determining factors are not necessarily skill based anyway, but rather, personality and banter-oriented. That, and as I mentioned, I want to use NPCs I have less familiarity with.
OK in terms of original Bioware banter based on length and number of banters (bear in mind that the banter pack may have fixed some of these problems)

Keldorn/Anomen, Mazzy/Korgan, Haer'Dalis/Keldorn, Anomen/Korgan work quite well together

Viconia doesn't really shine except when being romanced
Unless you take Korgan Mazzy will have very little to say to the others you've selected, especially in ToB
Korgan only ever really banters a lot with Mazzy, Jan and Anomen