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5 Questions maybe minor spoliers

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:48 pm
by Kyle09
1.What is a levitate spell that you would recommend creating (echanting too) I have the money but everytime I make a spell/item it either doesn't satify me or costs something like 2000 magicka for one use.
2.What are those big forts lying around vanderfall. Do the serve any purpose what so ever?
3.What are the rooms in the forts with the wavy purple lines, what are they used for, are they even useful?
4.What are some daedric shrines/dwemer ruins you consider a must to raid.
5.Is it possible to do necromancy in the game? I'm interested because I know you can collect skulls and stuff?


Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:56 pm
by Phreddie
1. if you have a golden saint in a soul gem: enchant an exquisite ring/amulet/shirt with levitate 1 pt. for one sec, waterbreathing, and i always add fortify speed 9 pts (max you cna add) but you could do it to strength if oyu wanted to.
2. the big stone forts? those ar eimperial legion forts, you will get to those if you go the path of the imperial legion, if your talking about the wierd shaped stone ruins, those are daedric shrines beware they are filled with death and treasure.
3 those rooms are just rooms sometimes filled with daedra and cultists who try to ill you with awesome gear! beware as before mentioned they are extremely strong compared to a low lvl person.
4 i cant remember names, but go everywhere invade everyshrine, u get awesome stuff, invade some twice to respawn daedra to get mroe weps n shields they sell for very high, too high in fact, it takes tricky selling to make max profit.
5.i do not believe so, wiat for oblivion it has been confirmed there, if your on pc then there may be a mod that adds necro but seeing as im a xboxer i wouldnt know.

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:07 pm
by fable
Necromancy is available only on the PC, through either of a pair of mods. One turns you into a lich, while the other lets you gather a variety of items, requires drawings, some research--and lets you raise a small skeleton army. Fun for the whole family. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:51 pm
by Phreddie
i guess, turning your kid into an undead counts for fun for the whole family on haloween, but i really dont see why they didnt include it in the first place, meh tis in oblivion now so i be happy
backto the daedric ruins, ald sotha, is just north of vivec, bal something is just north of suran, if u follow road out fo ald ruhn towards vivec there is one wher i got some pretty sweet gear, there is one just south west of caldera ovr mountians, but i wouldnt suggest trying any of them unless you can handle a battle with around 3-5 enemies (npc's) plus their summons, mainly dremora and the odd golden saint...