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Bandit spy excavation glitch
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:04 pm
by Rweeb
I did the Silver Quest band spy excavation and when i got back to North Bowerstone, I got the reward and then when i left the You are about to leave a quest region do you want to reload to a spot before the quest or stay? I tried doing everthying I thought of but it didn't work. Did this happen to anyone else?
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 7:05 pm
by SyntheticD
i got this same problem i just said screw it and went on with the rest of the game no big deal
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 12:04 am
by dj_venom
Yes, the first time I played I couldn't get this to work...the second time it worked fine.
Not sure why, but luckily it's not important so you can infact just skip it.
Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2005 11:57 am
by Rweeb
Yeah i just flagged it after a while. I was just intrested if any1 had the same problem.
Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:16 pm
by Max Pain
yes and by the way its bandit spy extraction
Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:33 pm
by dj_venom
Okay, but we really don't need to bring up old threads for no reason...
GameBanshee Rules:
#7 - Please don't bump multiple threads unless you have something to genuinely contribute to their contents. Nobody likes seeing hot topics on the front page of a forum shoved back several pages, simply because a member has bumped several "back page" topics for no good reason. Breaking this rule repeatedly will lead to disciplinary action.