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Still no Joy at the end- But a new "cheat" to share

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:06 am
by maalri
Well, it seems everyone has read my plea, but no one has any help. Darn. Oh well, before I give up completely on Pool, I do have one "loophole" that I discovered, that no one else seems to have mentioned on any of the sites I have visited. So if you are interested... It seems that you can give your characters just about as many HP as you want, relatively early in the game ( I only gave mine about 50 more each to at least keep it challenging). When you get Klusaar's Amulet (in the Main Halls I beleive) and you use it to Vampiric Touch someone (works best if they are Held or Paralysed) after the battle (or during for that matter-on that character's next turn) you can (while still under the added HP of the VT) remove the amulet and put it back on repeatedly and your HP keep going UP instead of up and down as they should. And these gains are permanent, even after resting and saving! Cool, huh? And Klusaar's conveniently has 6 charges- one for each party member- if you save one for when you get Jarial (if you haven't already got him yet). This little "trick" also seems to work when your mages get Vampiric Touch as a spell, if they haven't already been beefed up-if they have Klusaar's on. It also seems to work SOMETIMES with other CON altering AMULETS when using any Vampiric Touch effect- I havent tried rings. There is also a Longsword later in the game (Woundwulf I believe) that will allow anyone able to wield it (i.e. anyone with a fighter class) to benefit from the boost because it does VT. Just remember to keep Klusaar's around even when there are no charges as it still works. Has anyone else discovered this yet??

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 1:10 pm
by Luis Antonio
maalri, I dont really play PoR ROMD in the powergamer skin, I have finished it twice (yes, twice) and I played it as a normal player, sheep skin, and all, by the rules. So, you know some cheese - It seems there's more cheese from where came this one. Would you elaborate a list? Or tell them here? Maybe we could create a good reference thread about it, what do you think?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 6:45 pm
by maalri
Actually this is the only "cheese" that I KNOW personally works, because I came across it on my own, purely by accident. But, lists 3 or 4 more I think, including one to make your enemies skip their turn. :) Luis, I take it when you finished POR ROMD your Word of Redemption always worked? You always fought Kya then Big-Lizzie? Well, any hints or tips about Temple of Elemental Evil? It is my next conquest :) Then I think the Baldur's gates. I am really getting into the D&D PC RPGs.

Posted: Sat Nov 05, 2005 5:57 am
by Luis Antonio
maalri: i'm currently playing the game again - saving as always, due to the many bugs. I'm trying to remember the main passages, because often there are questions and I have to check out the walkthrough for reference. I can still remember the first chapters rather well - but after that enemy names get confusing. And yes and no - many many passages in the game are bugged, so I had to try and try and try till it worked. Always patching the game makes it far more playable.

Now regarding the cheese, guess I'll have to research a bit. It is a shame that the engine aint Infinity engine like Baldur's Gate - cheese would be very easier/enjoyable to find.

I havent played ToEE but I'm a big BG fan- BG is worth it, completely. All the games from the BG series are worth it. And they have tons of cheese :p
But, unfortunately this is off topic. ;)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 8:55 am
by maalri
Well thanks for the hints on BG-- should I start with BG the original, for continuity or background sake? I am not against that at all, if I cn find a copy! As far as "cheats" go, in general, I really only like to use the ones that even out or fix the game balance- like the "patches" that I hear exist to chaange the NPC looting problems in ToEE, and give you a bit more control of them. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:37 pm
by Luis Antonio
Yeah, start Baldur's Gate by the first game in the series. I havent played Pool of Radiance (the original) and I've been told it has a lot of things that explain lots of things on the second game - and BG2 without BG1 is still good but kinda hollow.

Try E-bay, or try via GB site, you may be able to get yourself a copy. Its not a hard to find game, and it has lots of mods. ;)

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:08 am
by maalri
Thanks Luis, I will get BG before BG2.. looking foward to them both, but after ToEE, which I already own, but haven't started yet. This site's content on that game seems very good!